26. Asphodel

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It is now lunch time at my school and I am sitting on the same table I always sit, with Ethan and Allison.

I haven't told anyone about the nightmare I had, yet.
I'm waiting for the right moment.

Anyways, both of them are talking about yesterday's Math test. Ethan says that he's done really good in it and Allison also says that it was easy.

Believe it or not, Allison is a total Maths wiz. I still don't get how she's so good a Maths and just not so good in Chemistry.

Don't worry guys, I took the test too and I found it to be easy.

Our school posts monthly reports by mail to all of the students' houses. I guess Ms Bragge checks on my monthly report.

My reports aren't something that I would want to hide. I admit that I do occasionally get a B here and there, but nothing really low like a D or an E.

I take out my phone and just mindlessly start flicking it. Opening the news tab, my thumb drags on the screen to refresh it. But before doing so, I find a headline that catches my eye.

'Knightleys finally out of their shell'

"What?" I say out loud.

"What's wrong?" both of the cousins ask me.

I show them my phone and both of tilt their heads in confusion.

Allison takes the phone from my hand and reads stridently,

'Knightleys finally out of their shell'

'As many people may know, the Knightleys are one of the oldest and most prominent families of the Victorian era that have been able to retain their billionheir status.

'After the tragic accident of 2008,(which resulted in the deaths of the former company president: Charles Knightley, his wife: Jennifer Knightley, and their daughter: Kathleen Knightley) the Knightleys have been very asocial.

'Following the death of his father, Dylan Knightley had to take over the company at the mere age of eighteen, along with the responsibility of his younger sister: Lindsey Knightley. The younger sister is at the moment, in the middle of her GCSEs.

'One night prior to this date, Dylan Knightley inaugurated an institution for homeless young girls called the Jennifer Carmella School and Orphanage for Girls, in honour of his late mother. Our correspondents have not been successful in obtaining Mr Knightley's comments on the ceremony as he left almost immediately after inaugurating.

'The young President has also participated in numerous feminist and anti-racism campaigns, as well...'

Allison stops reading the article because of my sighing. Ethan also has his eyes transfixed on me.

"So, I'm guessing that's why I've been getting the extra stares today," I acknowledge.

"Maybe, but who would pay attention to the news. We'll all just teens." Allison laughs nervously.

I look around at the cafeteria and see several heads turning to the opposite direction as I make eye contact.

"I think they've read it," I say.

So much for not revealing to anyone that I'm rich. Thank you to the Mail for that.

I sigh and Ethan says,
"And you're okay with it? I mean, you didn't want the whole school to know about this for a reason." He looks at me worringly.

"What can I do about it, now? Everyone was going to find out eventually." I place a hand under my chin and continue eating my lunch.

If only the article hadn't mentioned my name, maybe nobody would have noticed. With them writing my first name there, it's just confirmed that I am the article Knightley.

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