31. Petrichor

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"Thank goodness, we're back!" Ethan says as he gets up from the floor.

I brush my hands across myself as I straighten up. That was a very exhausting memory, may I add.

It was like I was seeing my own lifeless body as an outsider.

"I think even I coudn't keep my bubbliness up because of that," Allison says.

Allison not bubbly?

"That isn't possible, Als," Ethan says what I had in my own mind.

"It is very much possible, Ethan B. Ingram." She puts a hand on her hip.

"Really, the B card?" Ethan glares while Allison just shrugs him off.

I look over at Dylan and see that he's oddly quiet. I thought he would have started laughing by now, after seeing Allison and Ethan's bickering.

He just stands up and looks at all of us. He doesn't have that same kind smile on his face.

He's got his barrier up again.

He notices that I'm watching him and quickly looks at his wrist watch.

"It's just five thirty right now and the rain still hasn't stopped." He looks out of the window. "Why don't we go to your room, Lindsey?"

Dylan swiftly says and walks out of the attic.

I look back at Ethan and Allison and see them shrugging.

Oh well, what else can we do at the moment?

I open the slightly ajar door that Dylan left and walk into the corridor. The cousins are also behind me.

What's wrong with Dylan?

The way he set up his face, completely stern and emotionless, was the same expression he used to put on after the accident. He always had this expression on his face that said, 'No tresspassing'. My brother would show his soft side sometimes, but he used to wear his cold expression a lot in the past few years.

Like me.

I turn my head around and see the same vintage dressing table Allison was looking at the last time we were in the west wing.

Wait, the west wing?

I look around and this is definitely the west wing. How did I end up here?

"What's wrong?" Ethan asks as I suddenly stopped walking.

"Why didn't you guys tell me that we took the wrong turn? This is the west wing; my room's in the east wing."

"Well, Edenfield is kind of a big place... we... uh.. thought this was the right direction." Allison gives me a toothy grin.

I sigh and walk in the opposite direction.

My 'wandering thoughts' literally left me wandering this time.

I march to my room while the cousins walk beside me. Edenfield doesn't feel like a happy place to me anymore. The rain has made it even more dark than usual.

It has always been like this after the accident.

I remember when Ms Bragge first told me what the house name, Edenfield, actually meant.

Edenfield was first constructed in the early 1700s. The word Edenfield is actually a compound of two different words.

In its name, Eden referred to the gardens of heaven. In other words, a safe haven, a place of beauty and joy. Field, on the other hand, was another reference to the same gardens. On whole, its meaning is of a place where joy, tranquility and humility dwell.

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