Chapter Three

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Around an hour later, I had finished freaking out from Ashton nearly kissing me. I didn't even know exactly why I freaked out, the boys always jokingly kiss eachother! But some how this was different, but I couldn't figure out why.

Just as I started to open the door, I couldn't help but hyperventilate. I didn't want to come back out. What if they were still playing truth or dare and eventually the same dare would be asked.

Eventually, I came to the decision that I needed to take a risk and go back out and face whatever the boys would say. As I creaked open the door, a boy was standing on the other side listening to me have a breakdown. After I had opened it a tad more I could put a name to the boy. Ashton.

But I had to fulfil my promise of going back out, so I swung the door fully open. "Uh. What are you doi-" I was cut off by him.

"Just shut up for a minute." He demanded and I stopped talking. About five seconds later, he pressed his lips to mine for a few seconds before pushing me away. This was followed by one question by the boy. "Truth or dare Michael?"

I couldn't help but think about the kiss, and why he didn't just chicken out of the dare and demand Luke to change the dare like he normally does. Staring at Ashton's lips, I wished I could replay the moment over and over again.

"Uhm Michael?" He looked at me strangely. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth." I answered before we headed back to the circle to continue our game. While we headed back, I noticed Calum jumping out of his bed. I questioned him asking why he was back in bed, and he answered saying he was getting his iPhone.

When all four of us had arrived back in the circle, Ashton started to think of what to ask me. I became anxious of what was to come, but his question ended up being 'what would you do if you woke up with some random person in your bed?' in which I replied 'scream'.

After that, we decided truth or dare was getting to boring and we just stayed on our phones before the concert. At about three thirty, the four of us arrived at the arena to prepare ourselves for the last concert before the two week holiday.


When the One Direction boys arrived, there was about an hour to the concert. Their tour bus had broken down so they had been in a rush to get dressed ectera.

When the concert began, we ran out on stage to do the opening act. First we played our new song 'Eighteen' and I ran across the stage to make the audience believe I was interested at that moment, but all I could think about was Ashton and everything that had happened that day.

This was followed by 'Heartbreak Girl' and then 'Unpredictable' and then 'Gotta Get Out' and lastly 'Try Hard'.

During Try Hard I had finally became a tad more interested in the concert and restrained myself from thinking about Ashton every second. During the last four songs I had somehow connected all the lyrics to the situation right now, but lukily I couldn't do that with Try Hard.

Finally it was to the last lines of the song and I could get on a plane tomorrow and get home for two weeks and figure out what was happening with myself.

After the song had ended, Calum was saying a speech to the audience that had obviously not been practiced because every few words he would say 'uh'. It was only until his last sentence that I noticed a sign for us in the front row. That was when the day turned more upside down than it had been before.

The sign was a rainbow colour, and it said this exactly: '#MashtonKiss #TruthOrDare'. How the fuck did she find out about that? As I saw that sign, I realised there was atleast fifteen signs similar to that one scattered around the crowd.

As soon as we were backstage, I grabbed my phone off the counter where I had left it previously. I found my self on Twitter on the 'Trending' page where the top two hashtags trending were '#MashtonKiss' and '#TruthOrDare'.

This was followed by me clicking on the '@5SOS' account, and where I found a picture of me and Ashton kissing outside of the bathroom, with the caption 'Truth or Dare'. Suddenly I knew who it had posted it. He wasn't getting his iPhone. Well he may of been, but he also took a picture. Fucking Calum.

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