Chapter Thirty

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"Pack your suitcase we have to leave in two fucking hours!" Calum yelled, before running out of my room. I was still lying in bed, texting one of my friends that I hadn't talked to for ages. I told myself I would get out of bed about an hour ago, but I was a huge procrastinator, so it didn't quite work out.

"Remember what happened last time you left it to the last minute? You forgot a lot of things!" When we were packing to go on the Take Me Home Tour, I spent the whole morning being excited about going on tour with One Direction that I left packing to around five minutes before we had to leave.

"Fine, I'll be up in a minute."

"You better be." I groaned, before trying to take the blanket off me and clumsily falling onto the floor instead. After probably an hour, knowing me, I made my way back on my feet and found my suitcase. Instead of picking out what to take so I had everything carefully, I just grabbed everything I could and threw it into the suitcase.

After zipping the suitcase almost unsuccessfully, I dragged it to the lounge room and dropped it next to the other boys. The other three were in the kitchen, doing what I assumed was saying goodbye to the Vegemite like they always do.

"Goodbye, my precious." Luke laughed, as he held his phone up to the Vegemite. I guess they were making a Keek or an Instagram video.

"My precious." Calum repeated trying to sound like Gollum.

"Anyway guys, we are going to England today! We have to leave in uh about an hour and a half, but when we get there we will talk to you tons!" He smiled, showing his dimples, before Luke put his phone away. Just as Calum and Luke started to walk back into the lounge room, Ashton grabbed the Vegemite and ran into the hallway.

"I can't do this! I love this concentrated yeast extract too much!" After he spoke, I heard a jar smash on the ground, followed my him laughing until he couldn't breathe. He may of told me not to love him, but him acting like this made me love him even more.

About an hour and a half later, a taxi arrived to pick the four of us up. The whole ride to the airport Calum and Luke were laughing at something, and I was stuck next to them. Something about what Cake's baby would look like.

When we arrived at the airport, I inhaled the horrible smell of airports. I think the rest of the boys did as well because they looked as though they were trying to hold their breath.

"Mum!" Calum yelled as he ran towards his mother. She was coming with us into England, to make sure we didn't go rediculous, I guess. If we didn't have anyone making sure we were being sensible, I would've been thrown in jail as soon as I arrived in England.

"Come on, lets go." She took us through security or whatever, and we all sat down in the seats, watching planes take off. Calum and Luke seemed to be betting which aeroplane would take off first.

"Virgin Blue will take off first!" Calum pointed to one of the planes, and Luke laughed.

"Nu uh, European Airlines will!"

"I bet one chip that Virgin Blue will go first."

"Okay, I bet one chip that European Airlines will go first." Luke replied, before the Virgin Blue plane started to come alive, and Calum started laughing. Luke dropped a broken chip into Calum's hand, before the two started betting again.

As I watched these two laugh and bet about stupid things, it made me realise even them two make a better couple than Ashton and I, and they one, weren't dating, and two, both had girlfriends. My neutral expression turned into a frown after I made that realization.

"Flight DJ3212 to London will be boarding soon." The speaker announced, and we started to line up. We were pretty much at the front of the line, which meant we had to stand longer.

Just as we were about to show our tickets, we heard screams from behind us. Our loud loving family! "Hey 5SOS!" Fans screamed, and a smile crept back up on my face before I headed outside and towards the plane.

When we boarded the plane, I looked at my plane ticket, and it turns out I was sitting next to Ashton and a stranger, great. It would be better without the stranger because maybe we could sort out our fucking problems.

As soon as I sat down, I heard fangirlling from the seat next to me. Great, now they'll know more about us than we do and they'll ask if Mashton is real and I won't know what to say. "I'm your biggest fan!"

"Really?" Ashton started to have a conversation with the preteen looking girl, and while they were talking I couldn't help but wonder where the hell her parents were.

"How's Becca?" She asked after a while, and we both became confused on who she was asking.

"Excuse me?" Ashton smiled, trying to be polite, but I knew he was sick of her as well.

"Well who's she dating now?"

"Calum." We both said in unison.

"Fucking whore." She mumbled under her breath.

"I know right." Ashton replied, and I felt myself become angry even though I didn't like her.

"She is not!" I said a little too loudly, and I knew that half the passengers were trying to look at me.

Ashton glared at me, before grabbing my wrist. "Excuse us." He smiled, before dragging me to the bathroom and locking the door behind him. "Who do you fucking want to go out with? Me or fucking Becca? Right now it seems like you love her more than me!"

"Are you trying to make me call Becca a whore? Because she isn't!"

"You know that's making you seem like you're in love with Becca, when just a week ago you said you loved me!"

"And you didn't even accept my fucking love! Why would I say I loved you if I didn't mean it?"

"You probably said you loved Becca, you probably meant it then." He wasn't making much sense anymore, but I didn't stop argueing.

"It seems like you are fucking inlove with hating Becca!" Ashton sighed in defeat, and a smile formed on my face, although I was being the dick in the relationship pretty much.

"Okay, okay, okay. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called Becca a whore. We can't let someone else ruin our relationship can we?"

"I guess not. Now let's go deal with the twelve-year-old until we get to England." He nodded, and we both exited the bathroom where we were met by a line of angry people.

"About time you're out, what were you doing, masterbating?" Some woman laughed, but it turned into a cringe when she saw me exit the bathroom behind him.

"Fucking gross." She stated as we continued to walk back.

"Fucking homophobic bitch." I muttered under my breath, before ignoring what she said afterwards. We walked back to our seats, and when we made it back, the girl was watching one of our music videos.

"You're back!" She screeched as we returned, pausing the video. She continued to ask questions like she had been before, mainly about who we were dating. Luckily, Mashton didn't come up, because I was pretty sure neither of us would know what to say.

It didn't take long after the girl stopped talking for both of us to fall asleep.

"Finally." Calum smiled, as he looked over to Ashton.

"About time Michael wasn't harassing me." Ashton replied, grabbing onto Calum's hip. Calum slowly licked his lips, before the two started to lean in. Their lips were soon all over eachothers' faces, both desperate for more to happen between them.

"Let's move to the bed?"

"Fuck that, lets just go right here." Calum laughed, dragging Ashton onto the ground. Ashton moaned in pleasure as Calum started to move his hand on his crotch.

"Fuck!" I screamed as my eyes opened, realising that I was still on a plane, and that I had probably woken up everyone on it. When I saw Ashton beside me, worry washed away.

-{ Okay question! Straight or curly hair on Ashton? (Which one do you prefer?) }-

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