Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Woah dude." Calum mumbled as we stepped away from the door. We made eye contact with one another, deciding if we should enter the room but decided against it.

"If he wanted you to know this he would tell you." I nodded, before we left Luke and Ashton to talk, without the two of us listening to every word.


The next day the four of us didn't have to go any where so we decided to have a movie marathon. We did these a lot before the Take Me Home tour, but when that started we stopped. When that tour ended we never really got back into the marathons except for when we watched some of the Saw films.

But unfortunately Becca and Savannah decided that they'd come over as well, ruining our movie marathon basically. I argued with Becca for five minutes before I was stuck watching Titanic, and passing them tissues.

"This movie sucks!" I stated every five minutes, hoping that they could watch a movie that didn't make people cry, but they ignored me and continued to watch the movie. The only person apart from me that didn't look interested in the movie was Ashton, who was tapping away at his phone. Wondering who he was texting, it came to my mind that I needed to stop being so fucking nosy.

When my phone buzzed, I knew who he was texting, or one of the people he was texting.

- Ashtonnnn -

"This movie is so boring."

As soon as I read the message, I typed away as quickly as I could.

- You -

"Tell me about it."

- Ashtonnnn -

"Let's leave, come to my bedroom."

As soon as he sent that, Becca excused herself to go to the bathroom. I forgot about replying to Ashton when she left, and it was only until five minutes later when Becca finally returned that I remembered once again.

- You -

"No. Let's go for a walk."

Without a reply, Ashton stood up and looked at me until I joined him. We exited the apartment, and no one seemed to notice at all. It was pretty awkward being alone with Ashton, but I didn't want it to be awkward, I wanted it to be romantic.

The fresh air welcomed me as we started to walk down the street. I hadn't had a walk around for a while, as I spent the majority of my time indoors. As I looked over at Ashton, he looked as though he was thinking the exact thing as me.

"It's so good to be outside, without being surrounded all the time." I nodded, as we continued to walk along the path. We weren't heading anywhere in particular, and it was better that way. We weren't looking foward to going any where, just being happy with each other's presence and the scenery.

"I mean it's great meeting the 5SOS family, but sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming and there's been times where I was close to an anxiety attack." I nodded, agreeing with him. I had felt like this many times, but didn't think I would get an anxiety attack, just fall over someone and faint.

As I half expected, as we turned the corner, I heard a scream from a house and next thing I knew we had about twenty teenagers surrounding us, begging for autographs and pictures. I awkwardly signed their pieces of paper, shirts and even some bras. The most awkward item to sign was definitely the bras, and I could see Ashton felt the same. But with everything else, he was just so confident and it was just as he could talk to everyone at once.

"Is Mashton real?"

"Where's Luke?"

"I want Calum!" I heard people asking these questions, and Ashton seemed to answer them all, except the Mashton one. I didn't exactly know if he missed us being together or not, to me it seemed that he was giving me mixed symbols.

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