Part 2 - First lecture

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Hello :)! So let's go for first lecture. Enjoy ^.^

(Vanoss POV)
I had to clean my house, and that was the worst thing. I wasn't really a tidy person, but Delirious didn't need to see that, even though he knew me well. I threw some things to the bin, some just swiped under the bed or closets, or shoved them in the wardrobes.

I still can't believe the things about Delirious. I know he's shy and all, but how could he lied about his partners even to me. That hurt a bit. I thought I was his best friend, I thought he could trust me with everything. Ah well, time to fix his problems, again.

I couldn't be angry at him. He was my best friend. I heard a knocking on my door and instinctively smiled. I went to open it and saw my best friend.

"Hi," he greeted me with guilt in his voice.

I pulled him to the hug and shook my head in entertainment. I was really happy to see that ridiculously handsome face again.

"Come on in," I said with grin and closed the door behind us.

I led him to the couch in the living room. I noticed how he was nervous. He twirled his thumbs and was looking at his feet.

"Wanna drink something?" I asked him cheerfully.

He looked at me confused and took a deep breath.

"You're not angry?" He whispered and I smiled.

"Why should I?"

"Because I lied to you." I playfully ran through his hair.

"C'mon, you silly. So want to drink something?" I asked again and he slowly nodded.


I walked to the kitchen and pulled two cold beers. With that I returned to him and placed it on the table.

"Tell me about that date," I said and put my legs on the table.

"I arrived a few minutes after that arranged time. He was there already. And man he looked so sexy. He was wearing a black shirt and jeans, which made his butt so sexy. We greeted ourselves and talked all evening. We laughed, we understood each other and completed each other's sentences sometimes. He made me feel really good. After the dinner I walked him to his house..." At the end of his speech he stopped talking and nervously played with his necklace.

"You're such a gentleman," I teased him with grin.

"Yeah. And I went home." His voice sounded so sad.

I still don't understand why he hasn't fucking kissed anyone. He's sexy, funny, intelligent.

"So what was it again? You've never kissed anyone?" I asked seriously.

I noticed his cheeks went red and he hid his face.

"Answer me," I demanded firmly and tried not to even a smile.

He slowly shook his head, his hands still on his face.

"Jonathan," I rolled his name on my tongue.

He sighed and looked at me and started to twirl his thumbs again.

"I have not," he whispered.

"Why did you walk away when Jason wanted to kiss you? It could be your first kiss," I asked confused.

"I can't kiss. I've never done that, so I was afraid I would do something wrong. And I really like him." I laughed after his words.

"You're fucked up, man. You can't mess things up. It's natural thing. Even though you messed something, he wouldn't leave you. We're only humans." I tried to encourage him.

"You are telling me you've never came across somebody with really bad skill in kissing?" He said suspiciously and raised his eyebrow.

"Of course, but..." I wanted to continue but he jumped into my speech.

"See? I'm looser," he breathed out.

I moved closer to him, place one arm around him. I saw the confusion in his widened eyes. His breath became heavier.

"W-what are you d-doing?" He whispered in shock as I was getting closer to him.

Out tights and shoulders were touching. I took his chin and move his head to my way. His widened sight was locked into my eyes. I slowly smirked and move my head closer to him.

"Let me help you. Let me taste your lips," I whispered a few centimeters away from his face.

I pressed my lips on his, and in a few seconds licked his bottom lip, asking for entrance. But he didn't. He pushed me away and stood up.

"What the fuck? Are you crazy?" His voice cracked in half.

"I'm helping you. Stop acting like a child, dude. You want Jason? You need to start kissing people."

I noticed his blush. He dramatically gasped for air and threw his hands around him.

"Kissing you? You're my best friend!" He raised his voice.

"Yes. I can teach you how to be the best."

He slowly shook his head and started to walk away. I quickly stood up and ran to him. I pushed him to the wall and pinned him with my body.

"Stop it!" He yelled and tried to push me away.

I grabbed his hands and pinned them above his head. He was defenseless and I wanted to use it. I kissed him again. He tried to resist me but I lightly bit his lip. He moaned into my mouth and I used that slight space. I slipped my tongue into his mouth. He melted into that kiss and I sensed that he lost his will to resist. Our tongues started to dance, and after a while I pulled away for air, that we both desperately needed. He looked hypnotized, was red as tomato, and so cute. I loosened my grip on his hands and stepped away from him.

"Well... that wasn't that bad. You're good kisser," I said with smile and was so proud.

"Lemme just make sure," he whispered, put his hands around my neck and pulled me back to kiss.

I was surprised, shocked, but I liked it. My friend down there liked it. I had to stop. I pushed him away and cleared my throat.

"I think you're ready, bitch. Call Jason," I said and sat down on the couch, my hands on my crouch.

I didn't need him to see my erection. It took him a few second before he spoke again.

"I don't have his number." I pulled up my phone and said him the number of my friend.

"What should I tell him, my teacher?" I smirked after his words.

"Tell him you want to fuck him so hard he will scream your name to the skies."


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