Part 9 - Next level

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I feel like this is my light writing. Nothing much serious. Thank you so much for sticking with me through the story. Enjoy ^.^

(Vanoss POV)
The next day I needed to prerecord some videos on YouTube. So a gathered my friends and started to play.

"Delirious has birthday this Friday," I stated, after we finished our playing. Delirious was with Jason, so it was safe to plan.

"You're planning something?" Asked me Marcel and I slowly nod my head.

"Yeah. What about a trip to Disneyland? And in the evening sleep over with cake and food."

"Food," whispered in dream voice Lui.

"That's awesome. Are you sure he's free that day? I mean he could have plan with Jason." I frowned after Tyler's question.

"Do you think he would choose Jason over us? Besides I'm sure Jason doesn't know when our friend has birthday."

"If you think so," mumbled Nogla.

He would surely choose us over Jason, right? We're his friends.

"I'm gonna call him and let you know. See ya." With that walked away from my PC and showered myself.

In the evening I got a message from Delirious.

D: Dude that date was awesome!

I smiled and called him.

"Sup, dude?" I greeted him.

"Evan I'm so happy," he said and I laughed.

"I can hear that. So you enjoyed it?"

"Yeah. And he said I was the first man who hadn't tried slept with yet."

"That's cool," I said and smiled.

"I know!"

"Delirious? Do you have some plans on Friday?" I asked.

"You talked with Jason? I have actually. He invited me over his place."

"What? You can't!" I raised my voice.

"Can't? What do you mean?"

"We arranged some plans for you."


"You have birthday, dude," I stated a bit frustrated.

"That's so sweet, Evan! You really didn't have to do that. I'll talk with Jason."

"Thanks man."

"For you anything." I slowly smirked after his sentence.

Anything? I would really love to use that.

"Ok, dude. I need to prepare everything. So enjoy your amazing life," I said and walked to my room to edit some videos.

"Thanks again!"

I hung up and start editing today's video. At the end I caught something I shouldn't have. I forgot to turn off the recording after I had walked to the shower. It was just recorded conversation between Tyler and Craig.

"It's only us here," whispered Mini and I smirked.

"Evan is still in the Skype call though," stated Tyler.

"Who cares about Evan, babe?"


"I really don't. I care only about you." As I heard Tyler's voice I started to get things together.

"I miss you," continued Mini.

"I miss you too. And I miss your body."

I just sat down with my headphones and smiled like and idiot.

"Tyler... I can't wait to see you."

"You wanna know what I'm gonna do to you on Friday?"

"Tell me, darling."

I stood up and postponed my editing. I grabbed  my phone and texted Tyler.

V: Hi, bitch. I hope I'm not disturbing your masturbation. Or is Mini helping you? ;)

T: Fuck off bitch! You need something important?

V: Yeah, your sex tape.

I heard a knocking on my door. With sigh I went there to open. I saw Jason.

"Hi," I greeted him a bit confused.

"Hey. Can I come in? We need to talk."

I quickly nodded my head and led him to my living room.

"You want something to drink?" I asked firmly but he shook his head.

"Just sit down, please."

I sat down and tried to look normal.

"What the matter?" I asked.

"We need to talk about Jonathan."

He doesn't know. He can't know. Or does Delirious told him about us?

"Sure," I replied.

"I really like him and I don't wanna rush things up, but sometimes I have a feeling he's pushing me away."

"What do you mean by that?"

"We were cuddling today and everything was great... but right after I tried something more, he just didn't let me. And I get he's telling you everything, that's why I'm here."

"More? What more?"

"Let's not lie here. He's hot, really hot," he started and I smirked.

Yeah, he's.

"And I want to sleep with him."

Oh that's it. Why didn't me Delirious tell me anything? I need to save him.

"He told me about your words. You liked that he was not into sex on the first date. And I advised him to postpone it."

He looked at me and slowly nodded.

"Oh. So can you please tell him it's ok now? I really wanna move our relationship to next level."

"I'll tell him, don't worry. When are you seeing him?"


I escorted him to the door and he smiled.

"Thanks. I get why you're Jonathan's best friend."

I watch him leave and returned to my phone.

T: On it fucker. Not gonna lie, it will be expensive.

So Jason wants to sleep with Jonathan. That's good. I have to tell him on Friday.

I know you want me(H2OVanoss)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora