Part 14 - Birthday gift

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Mornin'. I really tried to write this properly but it was so hard knowing I want only Vanoss to be with Delirious and no Jason. Well enjoy ^.^

(Vanoss POV)
I sighed and rubbed my face.

I'm really happy. For both of them. He loves him and that's what matter most. My job is done. So why am I not satisfied? Why do I feel sad and jealous? I hate this feelings.

I heard a knocking on my door and with bit of emptiness went to open. I saw Jason.

"Hi. Can I come in?" He asked and I silently nodded my head.

What is he doing here again?

I sat down next to him and waited for him to talk.

"I know you're his best friend and you share everything with him. And I know he likes you. I want to give him a gift to his birthday and I was thinking about threesome."

"What?" I asked in surprise.

"Please, Evan. You're the only one I trust the most in this. He's his best friend and you helped us with our  relationship."

"Threesome?" I asked again slowly, as I began to consume that shocking information.

"I'm begging you! Evan, please."

"No. I'm not into that. You're both my friends. I don't fuck my friends."

I mean, I don't fuck some friends.

"Evan, please. He would want you to be in this threesome. Or you want him to be fucked by somebody else?"

I raised my eyebrow, and got almost caught by his words to got me jealous.

"I don't care who's fucking him," I mumbled and inside felt like I'm lying.

"Fine. I'll call somebody else. I thought you care about him."

He stood up, but my proprietary soul stopped him.

"But this is fucked up! Why do you care so much about getting him into the threesome?" I asked confused.

"Because I own him. And it could be fun."

I mean there's nothing wrong in that. I'm not sleeping with him, he's not cheating on Jason and we both can have clean conscience.

"Fine. Count me in," I said with smirk.

"Really? That's awesome! So tomorrow at his house, ok?" I escorted him to the door and nodded my head.

"Sure. See ya."

I closed the door behind him and went to sleep, as I was tired from the city and then from sex with my best friend.

Next day I woke up later in the afternoon. I got message from Jason to be there at 8 pm. I rolled my eyes and took a shower. One of me was really looking forward to it, the other half was against it.

I got there on time. I knocked on the door and Jason opened the door in a few seconds.

"Hi," he whispered and I waved at him.

"Why are you whispering?" I asked him with smirk in whisper.

"You'll see."

He led to upstairs to his room and I saw Delirious completely blindfolded. He licked his lips and it got me. I wasn't thinking straight. I silently got on the bed and sat on his lap. He gasped for air. Preventing his resistance, I quickly grabbed his hands and pinned them above his head.

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