Part 33 - Nightclub

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I'm so pumped about this whole book. You guys are the best, truly! Thank you so much! Enjoy! ^.^

(Delirious POV)
I was swarmed by my friends after they had returned from the looking mission. I was so grateful that they all cared about me that much, and at the same time felt so stupid that anybody could got hurt because of me. I was so uncomfortable being cared from Sydney, but I tried really hard not to show it to her.

I slept the whole next day and woke up in the evening. I was walking to the kitchen from my room, when I spotted Nogla.

"Hey, Nogla?" I called out for him.

He turned to me with smile on his face. But I could have seen his pity for me in his eyes.

"You think we could head out tonight? I love you guys, really, but I feel little bit stereotypical."

I really wanted to go out. This cottage was amazing, but we couldn't do much here. The phone signal was weak, we didn't have internet, not TV.

"Sure thing! Ya hungry? Dinner is still warm, I think," he replied to me.

Going to the kitchen would make me talk to Evan, or just seeing him. I know I said that we would try work it on it, but seeing them together is killing me.

I slowly shook my head and stepped back from him.

"Come for me once you're all ready to go," I stated, and before I turned my back to him I saw worries.

I walked back into my room and closed the door behind. It was just me, just myself without any faking. I knew I'm torturing myself by keeping Evan close but it was so hard for me to let him go. He was like a light for me, like a breath I needed.

After an hour, somebody knocked on my door.

"We're ready to go." I recognized Mini's voice.

I took a deep breath and put my fake smile. I walked out and followed my friend to the others.

It took us a bit longer to get down, cause Lui needed to returned back to the cottage for the phone. We walked into the nightclub in the city and sat down into the VIP lodge, when the owner of the nightclub recognized us from YouTube, that was at least what Nogla said.

I wanted to unwind for a few seconds. So I ordered some cocktails for myself. After a few drinks, all of my friends went dancing and it was just me left.

I tried really hard not to look at Sydney and Evan, pulling out the phone and browsing Twitter.

"Hey." I heard unfamiliar voice.

I raised my head to see some tall man standing in front of me. I politely smiled back at him.


The man sat down against me and scratched back of his head nervously.

"Look, I know this will sounds really awkward but I'm the biggest fan of yours. You're Delirious, right?"

I felt somehow flattered, being recognized from somebody. It made my heart feel warm.

"Yeah, that's me. And your name?"

"Oh, my manners. My name's Joshua. I'm owner of this nightclub. Is there anything I can do for you? Seeing you here all alone, while your friends are on the dance floor."

"We can talk for a while," I offered him and take another sip from the cocktail.

After a while of having really pleasant conversation I glanced over my friends, and my mind developed some thought.

Could I really use Joshua for this? I mean that's wrong! But I want to show Evan I'm fine with him being with Sydney. I told him we could be friends again, so what not? And I want to enjoy myself.

"You want to dance?" I asked with grin.

He looked confused first moments, then nodded his head in excitement.

We both walked into the dance floor and I felt eyes of my friends on myself, on us. I swiped if off. I was bit drunk, giggling like an idiot, couldn't speak properly.

It was in the time that some really slow and seductive music started to play. He moved closer to me, putting his hands on my hips, while I locked my arms around his neck. We didn't say anything but I knew what was going to happened. Maybe I wanted to, maybe I hoped it would help me from the sorrow.

He leaned his head closer to me, scanning my reactions, being afraid of rejection. I slowly smiled, filling the gap between us, pressing my lips on his.

It was something new for me. His lips were rougher then Evan's. He licked my bottom lip for entrancr, and me being drunk, hypnotized by this moment, closing my eyes, I let him in. My head started to compare everything to Evan, my heart was yelling at me to stop.

Everything disappear in a few seconds when he was pushed away from me. I opened my eyes in confusion to see familiar back.

"What the fuck?" Joshua shouted, when he was hit by Evan once again.

I felt anger filling my body, while my heart was racing from joy from this scene. I felt so split inside. Once they started to fight, I had to stop them. My sense was trying to protect Joshua, while my heart Evan.

I grabbed Evan's shoulder, pulling him away from Joshua.

"What's your problem, dude?" Joshua spit out, and I could see so much anger in Evan's eyes.

"He's mine," Evan growled furiously.

I frowned after his words, facing him. He was still piercing Joshua. The alcohol gave me confidence.

"I'm not yours. You act like a jealous child," I stated and checked if Joshua was ok.

"Bro, I didn't know you two are dating. You could have said something," Joshua said to me, and walked away.

I turned myself back to Evan.

"What's this all about? I was having good time and you had to ruin it, you douche! Why were you beating him? I can't kiss anybody, but you can fuck Sydney? That's the relationship we're having right now? Cause-" I was interrupted by him.

"Shut the fuck up already!"

Just after his words, he grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me to his body. I didn't have any chance to react when he kissed me. And God help me, it felt so good.

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