Loitering on Naboo

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Author's Note: This is Jar Jar Bink's only appearance. Trust me on this!


Anakin's POV

"The hell did he just say?" Ahsoka asked when Dean left.

"Dean just said that he saw Palpatine and Jar Jar on Naboo! God, Ahsoka, did you even listen?!" I replied.

"Chillax, Anakin! And eat a Snickers!" Obi Wan instructed as he handed me a Snickers candy bar.

"So what should we do?" Ahsoka asked.

"Tell you what, we'll report our findings to the Council...right after we grab some lunch." I suggested.


"So, Dean told us that he saw Palpatine and Jar Jar conversing on Naboo while he was leaving." I spoke after Yoda gave me permission to talk.

"Said that, he did?" Yoda replied.


"Did he say anything else?" asked Plo Koon, another Jedi Master.

"He only saw them for about 10 seconds."

"And he ran off right after. He never acts this way." Obi Wan piped up.

"So what should we do?" Ahsoka inquired.

"Go to Naboo and check out what Palpatine's doing there. We need at least one person to keep an eye on him. We don't know what he's up to." Kid Adi Mundi, another Jedi Master, replied.

"Then who's going to Naboo?" I asked.



"Why would Palpatine be hanging out with Jar Jar?" I asked as I was preparing for my mission.

"They're both from Naboo?" Ahsoka suggested.

"Um, yeah, so is Padme." I saw Obi Wan approaching me out of the corner of my eye.

"Be careful out there, Anakin. Palpatine's actions can be quite unpredictable." He warned.


"Don't let your anger get the best of you."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know." I stepped into my ship, the Twilight, and prepared for takeoff.

"We've got lots of stuff to talk about, Skyguy, so don't you die out there!" Ahsoka shouted.

"Okay!" I winked at Obi Wan and Ahsoka. Soon, I was in space and was preparing to make the jump to hyperspace.

"Okay, Artoo. We're making the jump to hyperspace. You ready?" I asked my trusty droid, R2D2. Artoo bleeped in agreement. "Okay. Making the jump to hyperspace in 5...4...3...2...1, hyperspace!" I pressed a set of buttons that enabled the ship to travel at light speed.

Minutes later, the ship came out of hyperspace and hovered around the lush, green planet of Naboo. I parked the Twilight in the ship hangar where they store their signature yellow ships that looked like they came from Star Trek. I stepped out of my ship and began walking around, only to be greeted by my wife, Padme. She was wearing a long sleeved green gown that was hiding her pregnancy bump.

"Anakin!" She cried out.

"Oh, hey, Padme!" I greeted cheerfully. As she wrapped her arms around my shoulders, I dipped her gracefully and kissed her on the lips. "How's the peace conference?"

"My peace conference hasn't started yet. What are you doing here?"

"Jedi business."

"What business?" Padme and I started walking away from the ship hangar.

"It's about Palpatine. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go." I waved goodbye and left her. I made my way to Theed, the capital city of Naboo. Theed has a way of taking one back to the time of the Renaissance. The architecture certainly adds an Italian feel to the city.

As I was walking in a covered passageway with Greek columns galore, I saw a familiar Gungan with his back toward me. He was cloaked in a purple robe that strongly resembled Padme's green gown she was wearing earlier.

"Whatsa bring you here, stranger...?" the Gungan turned around to face me.

"Jar Jar?" I said.

"Ani! Meesa no see you in long time!" Jar Jar put his arms around me and squeezed me tightly.

"Um...yeah...long time no see." I replied awkwardly.

"Whatsa bring you here, Ani?"

"Jedi business."

"Whatsa Jedi business?"

"Listen, Jar Jar. Just last night, I figured out that Palpatine is the Sith Lord we've all been looking for."

"Palpatine isa Sith Lord? Meesa no believe! Meesa thinks Palpatine is good man!" Jar Jar started running around in circles. There was foam coming from his mouth.

"Are you...okay?"

"No! Yousa no talk good about Palpatine! Palpatine is good man!"

"Are you WORKING for him?!"

"Meesa no! Meesa no!" Jar Jar begged. I immediately ignited my lightsaber and stabbed Jar Jar in the stomach. He then fell to the ground like an old rag doll. Suddenly, everybody was looking my way. Shocked, I left. I dashed out of Theed and rushed back to my ship.

I don't know why I just killed Jar Jar. Sure, Dean said he was conspiring with Palpatine, and now he's gone. That's one less headache. I also sensed that he was going insane, so I guess it was good I put him out of his misery. Padme stopped me as I was about to enter the ship hangar.

"Ani, why the rush?" She asked.

"I...seriously have to go." I ran back to my ship and prepared to take off.

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