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Anakin's POV

"Anakin! Will! Are you okay?" Windu came running up to us as I was supporting a tired Will through the Jedi Temple.

"Yeah. Palpatine and I had a martial arts duel in the office and Anakin interfered and saved me." Will answered.

"Good job, Anakin. There's something I need to talk to you about." Windu said.

"What about Will? He's bound to collapse any minute now." I said.

"Yeah, bring him along." Windu led us into his quarters.


"So, why did you want to talk to me, Master Windu?" I asked when I walked into his quarters. It looked similar to Master Yoda's.

"Well, Anakin, have you ever wondered why I sidelined you during the confrontations with Palpatine lately?" Windu questioned.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Because I wasn't even sure if you were really the Chosen One conceived by the Force. Of course, Qui Gon Jinn was persistent in having you trained as a Jedi, but I sensed darkness in you the whole time. I always thought the Chosen One would be one who would follow the Jedi Code word for word, like traditional Jedi have. Of course, you're not like that."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you married Senator Amidala in secret, which was against the Code. You are aware that attachment is forbidden for the Jedi. Normally, you would've been kicked out, but since you were the Chosen One, we decided to keep you in."

"I know that part, but I don't understand---." I began, but Windu cut me off.

"Think about it, Anakin. No one can truly defeat the Sith except for the Chosen One, which is you. However, there has been darkness inside you for who knows how long. You do know why Yoda forbade you from leaving your quarters when Obi Wan, Plo Koon, Ahsoka, Yoda, and I left for Ilum, right?"

"Because you didn't want me hanging out with Palpatine cuz he's been influencing me for 13 years."

"That's right. If you kept hanging out with Palpatine, chances are that he will keep feeding you information about the dark side. It's like smoking. The longer you keep at it, the more addictive it gets." Windu said when Clay burst in.

"You guys have got to check this out!" Clay cried.


"What's up with those red Mandos? It's like they're following us everywhere!" Clay cried when we exited the Jedi Temple. Legions of red Mandos were approaching the Jedi Temple.

"Aha! Palpatine said that he would send the police force to march on the Jedi Temple! I'm pretty sure that's what's happening." Will exclaimed.

"What?!" Windu screamed.

"So that's why they show up every time!" I added.

"Enough talk, guys. We must warn the Jedi about this." Windu said as he made his way into the Temple, but not before he turned to look at me. "And Anakin?"


"May the Force be with you." Windu disappeared into the Temple.

I couldn't recall a time where I had to fight for my life. Sure, I faced off against Dock's Separatist droid army more times than I can remember. I was scared, of course, because at any moment, I could've been killed, but this time was different. Palpatine has been anticipating the fall of the Jedi for quite a while, and now it's time. For the Jedi to prepare themselves for a battle on their soil, for all hell to break loose, and for me to embrace the role of the Chosen One.


Author's Note: Ahahaha Anakin looks so stoned in the picture...carry on.

Star Wars Episode IIIAU: Sith Rising (Star Wars AU Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now