Deleted Scene: Anakin's Haircut

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Anakin's POV


As I stood on the edge of a Naboo lake, I let the wind play with my scruffy hair. I looked longingly out in the distance, contemplating everything that had happened. I began having flashbacks of Will...I don't know why. They just came.


"You feeling okay?" Will asked as he sat beside me. I was sitting alone in my Jedi quarters, and Will thought it would be nice to visit me. He was a real busy guy, getting himself into loads of unnecessary trouble.

"Yeah." I said monotonously.

"I don't think so. Anakin, I know something's up. Please talk to me."

"Ahsoka left the Jedi Order."

"What? She did?"

"Yeah. The Council blamed her for bombing the Jedi Temple, and she was on the run for a while. I finally caught up with her and asked her to turn herself in, but she wouldn't give in. Then Plo Koon and I had to chase her until she was knocked unconscious. Then we took her back to the Jedi Temple."

"That sounds hectic."

"It doesn't stop there. Afterwards, they called Ahsoka and I to attend a trial where she was pronounced guilty. Windu expelled her from the Jedi Order and they yanked off her Padawan braid. She was then sent to the Senate for a biased trial. While that was going on, I decided to find the culprit behind those attacks. It turned out to be Barriss Offee, one of Ahsoka's friends. I took her to the Senate, where she confessed what she did. Ahsoka was then cleared of all charges and allowed back into the Order. I tried my best to convince her to come back, but she basically just walked out of my life in that moment."

"That sounds horrible, Ani. Why don't you tell anybody these things?"

"The Council doesn't allow us to feel emotion, but I can't live that way, Will."

"Everybody feels happy, angry, sad, and excited at some point. It's part of life. Now, I'm not part of the Jedi Order. You know that. If anything's bugging you, you can always contact me and I'll be there in a jiffy."

"You would?"



Will had promised to stay by my side during difficult times. Ever since Ahsoka left, my life has been a complete roller coaster, and Will had helped me through all of it. But this time, he wasn't there...because he was gone. Just acknowledging that fact brought tears to my eyes. I fell to my knees and sobbed.

Padme's POV

"Hey, has anyone seen Anakin?" I asked my parents.

"He went out for a walk." My dad said.

"I'll go find him. Can you watch over the babies while I do that?"



It wasn't long at all before I caught sight of Anakin a few miles away. He was on his knees with his face buried in his hands. He looked like he was crying. I don't blame him. He's gone through so much, not to mention the fact that one of his best friends died during the Battle of Mustafar. A few minutes later, I met up with him.

"Ani?" I asked.

"That felt better." He said before turning around. "You see? I just realized. Now that I have fulfilled the Prophecy, I can now leave the Order. I mean, it's a new beginning for you and me, Padme. I can finally become a father to Luke and Leia. I can choose my own path now. The Jedi can't stop me."

"So what are you gonna do?"

"Sometimes, it's best to start fresh. Let go of the past because I can't change that. The Prophecy chose a destiny for me. Now it's time to forge my own."

And with that, Anakin turned around, pulled out a pair of scissors, and at that very moment, cut off his hair, the ends of it falling into the lake.


"Mom, Dad! We're back!" I announced once Anakin and I stepped through the door.

"You look different." My mom said.

"Well, time for a change." Anakin shrugged. "C'mon, we've got some moving to do!"

Anakin's POV

And so we spent practically the entire day transporting boxes and boxes of stuff into transport ships with the help of Nabooian pilots. It wasn't until that evening when I saw Obi Wan and Ahsoka. Ever since Ahsoka became a Jedi Knight, she's been kept busy with youngling training.

"Oh, hey. What's up?" I asked when I saw them.

"Jedi Training. It's been keeping me busy night and day." Ahsoka answered.

"We haven't seen you all week." Obi Wan followed up.

"Oh, sorry. I've been quite busy with stuff." I said as I sat down. I undid my bandana and wiped my face with it. "Yeesh, it's quite hot today!"

"Anakin? What happened to your hair?" Ahsoka queried.

"Didn't get it cut off by Palpatine, did it?" Obi Wan smirked.

"Oh, shut up."

"Why'd you cut it off?"

"Time for a change. I really gotta go now."

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