Young Hearts

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Anakin's POV

"Anakin?" Bail Organa was knocking on the door to my bathroom.

"Is this urgent?" I asked as I opened the door. I was in the process of trying to tame my hair.

"Um, yes. You've got fan mail." Organa uttered awkwardly.

"Fan mail? You're joking."

"No. Thought you'd like to start reading your fan mail before you head out for the celebration." Organa picked up a crate full of envelopes. News of Palpatine's fall spread all over the galaxy like wildfire, and tonight, the galaxy was planning to celebrate the end of his reign of terror. I sat on the bed, opened an envelope, and started reading.

One of the letters I received went like this:

Dear General Skywalker,

I would like to say that you've been a great leader for all of us, especially during Palpatine's reign of terror. You have fought well during the Battle of Mustafar, especially when you stood up against your friend, Palpatine. Your good deeds made all the difference when the galaxy was in its darkest hour. You rose to the occasion magnificently when you came back to Coruscant after 2 months of exile and led the remaining Jedi into battle. Your courage during the fight against Palpatine has shone through, especially during the Battle of Mustafar and Order 66. But more than that, General, your willingness to stand up to Palpatine during a troubled time in the galaxy is what makes you a great leader. The world needs more people like you. Take care, and best wishes for you and your family.



"That's nice of them." I said after several minutes of silence.

"The general public really admires you for what you've done these past few months, Anakin. During Palpatine's reign of terror, the galaxy needed a leader, and you rose to the occasion magnificently. Sure, you've become attached to your loved ones, which was discouraged by the Jedi, but the fact that you truly care about your friends was very evident during the Battle of Mustafar, where you were the ringleader in the rescue of your wife. That should be celebrated. Now, we should make our way out. You don't wanna miss the fireworks." Organa said as he led me out of the apartment I shared with Padme.

Obi Wan's POV

"Darn!" Rex growled as he put a few cards into the discard pile. Lux, Ahsoka, Mia, Yoda, Rex, and I got ourselves involved in a series of competitive Pokemon matches. With trading cards, of course. Ahsoka, Yoda, and I were on a winning streak.

"Which card should we send out next?" Lux asked.

"Wow, at this rate, we're gonna win our 5th Pokemon game in a row." Ahsoka whispered to me.

"How about that fish thingy?" Mia pointed to a card in Rex's hands.

"Good idea!" Rex placed a Pokemon card on the table.

"What?! You sent out a freaking Magikarp? Magikarp sucks!" Lux howled.

"Why, what does it do?" I asked.

"It just flops around all the time. It's not very useful." Lux answered.

"Very confusing, this game is." Yoda sighed.

"I'm still learning, Lux! Jeez!" Rex grumbled.

"Your turn!" Mia giggled. I definitely noticed an attitude change in her. After the Battle of Mustafar, she seemed much more cheerful than before. Maybe it's because she knows the guy who killed her parents is dead at last.

"Oh, okay! Um...Treeko! Use BB gun 3.35!" I called out. All of us burst into hysterics.

"BB gun 3.35? That's not a thing! Heck, in Pokemon, you don't use guns!" Mia howled with laughter.

Star Wars Episode IIIAU: Sith Rising (Star Wars AU Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now