Chapter Twenty-Six

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The sun was shining brightly, birds were chirping happily in the trees, and for once, Kagami was in a pretty good mood. After the misunderstanding with Kyou had been straightened out, they had spent the rest of the afternoon wandering aimlessly around Showa Memorial Park. It had actually been a lot of fun. The park was gorgeous and Kagami had been fascinated by the beautiful flowers there. And Kyou, once he stopped acting like a creep, had actually made the afternoon more enjoyable for her. He was surprisingly laid back, and had let her take the lead while they were exploring, which Kagami appreciated. She never usually got opportunities like that to take time and enjoy plant life. And he made it very clear that he knew nothing about botany by asking her a million questions about every plant they came across. Kagami couldn't remember the last time she was able to freely enjoy herself like that.

Thinking about the "date", Kagami had to fight back a smile. She had been doing that all morning and it seriously had to stop. She was at school. If anyone caught her smiling, they would be seriously freaked out. Unless it was the twins, then they would come up to her and demand to know what had her in such a good mood. And that would ruin said good mood completely.

Still, it wouldn't be good if her happiness somehow managed to seep out and people weren't as scared of her as they should be. Just because she had a fiance now didn't mean she was going to soften up any. So Kagami forced herself to take a calming breath and to push back all pleasant thoughts until she had a moment where she could be happy in relative safety. Maybe at lunch with Hotaru. But then Kagami remembered, today was Monday. So that meant Honey and Mori would be there, and there was a good chance that the rest of the host club would join them. That thought managed to so effectively dampen Kagami's good mood that she was able to sit through the rest of the teacher's lecture with a menacing aura surrounding her.

She was still glowering when the teacher finished lecturing and it was time for lunch. She was not looking forward to spending her lunch hour dealing with the crazy antics of the host club. But she would deal with it because she wasn't going to let the host club stop her from eating lunch with Hotaru. So with a sigh, Kagami put her things away and walked out of the classroom.

As she was walking down the hallway toward the courtyard, she heard someone call her name.


Wondering who had enough courage to call her so directly, Kagami turned and felt her eyes widen in surprise. Kyou was walking towards her, waving his hand cheerily. 

"Hey." He said with a lopsided grin. 

"Hi Kyou." She greeted. 

"You look different in your school uniform." He said, still grinning. "A lot less sweet and innocent."

Kagami knew he was teasing her, he did that a lot, and she actually enjoyed the fact that he was so easygoing with her. So she gave him a small smile and lifted her chin proudly. "Thank you."

Kyou gave a soft laugh at that. "You know," he said thoughtfully, "this is the first time I've seen you at school. Which I guess makes sense since I'm a second year and you're a first year."

Kagami had the grace to look a little sheepish at that. "I've actually seen you before. Although I made sure to avoid you at all costs."

"Why would you do that?" Kyou asked, but then his face lit with understanding. "Oh." It was his turn to look sheepish. "You still thought I was a total creep, didn't you?"

"Yeah." Kagami said. "And I am definitely not going to apologize for that."

"Don't worry." Kyou assured her. "I don't blame you for avoiding me. I was being a total jerk."

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