Chapter 1

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I put my phone down on the sofa next to me and tilted my head back to look at the ceiling, sighing loudly. It was my manager that had phoned to inform me on who had taken the last place on the panel and who I was going to be going to be working with on the new talent show The Voice. I was so excited to have the opportunity to coach people and help them improve their vocal skills as well as teach them everything I know and of course I couldn't wait to be working alongside the legend that is Sir Tom Jones and However now I knew who else I would be working with I wasn't so excited anymore. I would be working with my ex-boyfriend Danny O'Donoghue.

I guess I should really explain what had happened since Danny left to go to America. We'd stayed in contact and were still madly in love. We'd Skype and text and facetime every day while he was studying and Julliard and I was working in studios all over England and with some of the most amazing songwriters and producers in existent. It had been almost a year by the time I got the opportunity to fly over to America to work with Claude over there for a couple of weeks. I decided to not tell Danny I was coming over and surprise him. I'd just landed and arrived at my hotel which was a ten minute walk away from Danny's house. I dumped my bags and ran straight over to his house so excited to finally see him in person again. I knocked on the door and gasped. There was my boyfriend half-naked with a girl draped over him, kissing every inch of his face.

"Danny?!" I gasped.

"Jess?! What on earth are you doing here?" he asked, instantly pushing the girl off him and stepping outside closing the door behind him.

"I'm over to work with Claude not that it matters to you," I said, in disgust turning to walk away but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"W-wait Jess - I can explain," he stuttered.

"Go on then," I challenged him, standing with my hand on my hip. He didn't say anything. "No, I didn't think you could. Now get back to your poxy girlfriend." I turned on my heel and walked away back down the street, trying desperately not to cry.

"But Jess, you're my girlfriend," I heard him call after me.

"Not anymore," I shouted back, running back to my hotel.

That was the last time I saw Danny and since then both our careers had taken off. I've had two number ones and 8 top ten singles and I've been lucky to have had global success and travelled to places as amazing as Australia and Singapore. Danny's now in a band called The Script with 2 other guys, Mark and Glen and they have had some great success as well.

Apart from a few texts that week from him begging me to take him back, we hadn't spoken or seen each other since. We'd performed at a couple of the same gigs in the past couple of years but I skilfully managed to avoid him.

I was so scared to see Danny again mainly because however much I hated him for cheating on me and breaking my heart, I couldn't stop my heart from pounding every time I heard his name or voice on the radio or saw him on TV. I guess it was because deep down, even after 6 years, I still missed him and even though I hated myself for it, I think I might even be still in love with him.

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon