Chapter 15

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Mum and Dad came round for a couple of hours but unfortunately the funeral director rang and they had to hurry off for an emergency meeting. They were only round for a couple of hours but they spent the whole time talking to or about Danny. They seemed more interesting in him than they were in me!

"It was so nice to see your parents again - it's been ages," Danny said as he shut the door behind them.

"They seemed very happy to see you too - you're all they spoke about!" I giggled.

"Well what can I say? I'm pretty irresistible," he joked fluttering his eyelashes and pretending to flick his hair which made us both crease up laughing. "Anyway I was thinking that we could go out tonight? It's a lovely day so maybe a picnic dinner?"

"Aw yeah! That sounds lovely!" I agreed as I snaked my arm round his waist.

"I thought you might like it - it's one of my favourite things to do," he replied snaking his arm round my shoulder.

We started to prepare the food for the picnic. We started by baking cakes and cookies and while they were in the oven we made sandwiches: tuna, cheese, ham, chicken. We probably made enough food to feed the five thousand but we didn't mind as it kept us busy and entertained for the afternoon doing our normal thing singing along to the radio whilst dancing round the kitchen. We put our containers and boxes of goodies into a picnic basket before filling up the remaining space with crisps, chocolate, sweets, bottles of coke and lemonade and anything else we found in the cupboards and fridge.

"You think we've got enough food?" I joked as we pushed down the lid trying to get it to close enough that we could fasten it shut.

"Nah, I think we need some more," Danny chuckled as we eventually managed to fasten the basket. "It's almost 6 - shall we get going?"

"Okie dokie," I smiled, following him out to the car. I quickly put Jackson's coat on him as he was, of course, coming along - we couldn't leave him out of our fun! He had to wear a coat because he only had short fur which wouldn't keep him very warm as even though it was almost summer it was still quite chilly outside especially when the sun goes down and if he got cold he starts to weep and shiver. We both joined Jackson and grabbed a coat each before we climbed into the car, Danny driving; me in the passenger seat and Jackson curled up on the back seat. I had no idea where we were going as Danny refused to tell me and said it was a 'surprise.'

"Danny please tell me where we're going? Pleaseeeee?" I whined.

"No, no, no - I've told you it's a surprise," he giggled knowing how much he was annoying me.

"You know I hate surprises - why do you always do this to me?" I asked pretending to cry.

"Aw baby, don't cry," he laughed.

"Just tell me where we're going," I begged still pretending to cry.

"No Jessica you know I never tell," he giggled whilst trying to act stern.

"Meanie," I said, sticking my tongue out at him like I was 5 years old.

"Yepp that's me," he replied, copying me by sticking his tongue out at me. "But you'll love it!" I just smiled over at him and leant back against the window imagining where we could be going but I honestly had no idea. We'd been in the car for almost half an hour now so I had no clue where Danny was taking me as I had no idea where we were. I watched out the windscreen and saw thousands of trees go past as he travelled down what seemed like never-ending country lanes. They were all beautiful with only a couple of small, old fashioned cottages coming off each one. I even saw a few rabbits and foxes in the clearings between the trees. I was starting to get extremely bored as by this time all the wildlife and creatures had vanished and all that surrounded us were trees, bushes and grass which seemed to never end.

"Danny? Where the hell are we? Does this even lead anywhere?" I asked, impatiently. Normally I was a patient person but today all my patience had betrayed me.

"Trust me I know where we're going - we're almost there, I promise," he replied, tapping me knee.

"Alright," I sighed slouching back down in my seat. We'd been in the car almost an hour and I was starving and tired and fed up. If I knew where we were going maybe I wouldn't be so hungry, tired and fed-up. At that thought we started to drive up a steep hill. We kept driving and driving, up and up until it felt like we were gonna drive up and into the clouds but in reality we had only driven up about 20 feet.

Just then we came to a clearing, I sat up straight and looked over at Danny who just turned and smiled at me. He stopped the car and climbed out opening the back door to let Jackson run out. I got out to stand next to them, the picnic basket in one of my hands and I gripped Danny's hand with the other. We walked over to the edge of the cliff he'd bought me to and I gasped. The view was amazing and breath-taking. I stood my feet on the edge of the cliff that led down to a beautiful white beach. The sound of the waves crashing onto the shore was the only sound apart from an occasional tweet from a bird or a rustle in the bushes from a rabbit or some other animal that lived in the forest we'd just driven through. It was a clear night so the stars reflected onto the water. It was the most incredible view I think I'd ever seen and I'd travelled the world and seen some pretty amazing places and views in my time.

"It's-it's amazing," I whispered into the quietness.

"I knew you'd like it," Danny replied, squeezing my hand. "Shall we eat now?"

"No, no, not yet," I said, sitting down so my feet dangled over the edge of the cliff. All my hunger, tiredness and fed-up attitude had drifted away. "I want to take this in."

"I don't blame you," Danny smiled, sitting down next to me keeping hold of Jackson's lead so he doesn't get too excited and goes leaping off the edge of the cliff. We sat there for a while just taking in the view and watching the waves crash on the sand while Jackson ran around behind us all excited to be in a new place he could run around in. After a while, we wriggled back a bit and sat opposite each other while we enjoyed our picnic. We'd remembered to bring Jackson's dinner and a few doggy treats for him to eat while we ate our banquet we'd prepared. We ate and ate and ate while we chatted about nonsense and whatever came into our heads until we got too full to even drink another drop let alone eat anything else. I collapsed on my back feeling a thousand stone heavier than I was when we left Danny's house a couple of hours ago. I swear I've never eaten so much in my life. Danny crawled over to lie beside me, and Jackson, not wanting to be left out, curled up at our feet.

We led watching the stars, playing a dot to dot game and trying to find different shapes and pictures in the stars. We played our game for a while until we'd found millions of different crazy things hidden in the pattern of the stars. We led there in silence listening to the waves crash on the shore again while birds flew above us. Danny's hand intertwined with mine and I smiled to myself as I squeezed it gently.

"Thank you for this," I said, breaking the silence between us.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm happy to share this place with you. I love it here," Danny replied.

"It really is amazing," I agreed.

"Jess?" Danny asked out of the blue, taking his hand out of the grip of mine and sitting up.

"Yeah," I replied, moving my head to look at him.

"I love you - like I love you an awful lot. You keep me from going insane and you made me into the guy I am now and when I'm with you I feel complete and like nothing can ever go wrong. You make me happier than anyone else ever has been able to and anyone ever will be able to. So can we make it official? Will you, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked as he pulled a box out of his back pocket. He opened it to reveal a gorgeous diamond necklace that twinkled in the light of the stars.

"D-danny, I love you too, more than anything of course I'll be your girlfriend - it'd be an honour!" I grinned, flinging my arms around his neck. He spun me around and moved my hair to the side so he could fasten the necklace around my neck.

I looked down at it as it rested against my upper chest. "Thank you so much - it's gorgeous," I whispered.

"Not as gorgeous as you," Danny smiled attaching my lips to his for the first time in 6 years.

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang