Chapter 21

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The auditions started and I tried my best to push Danny's words out of my head which I successfully did most of the time. I kept sneaking glances at Danny and surprisingly he looked quite calm.

'If Danny's calm then there's nothing to worry about' I thought as our chairs spun back around ready for another auditionee. Everyone had been so so good so far and I was impressed with the standard of talent in the UK. It really did make me proud to be British. Will and I were chatting about the last contestant and about how disappointed we were that she didn't get through as she was such a lovely girl but she didn't have the same standard of talent that the other contestants that had joined our teams.

The music started up again silencing Will and I. An unusual voice started to sing 'Like a Virgin' by Madonna but it was completely different to the original song. This person's voice was so full of soul and I fell in love with the voice straight away. I started to sing and dance along as the music took over my body. I was so in to the performance I almost forgot to turn around! I heard the 'boof' of Danny pressing his button and hit mine immediately after realising I hadn't pressed mine yet! I turned around and loved the person I saw. He totally fit the voice and had the most amazing, individual look. I sort of recognised him from when I used to gig around London when I was trying to get signed and spread my music around so he must've been doing the same thing as I was. This made me want him to be in my team even more as he must've been working and wanting this for so long so I wanted to help him achieve his dream and give him the recognition he deserved.

The song finished and all four of us coaches had turned around and I could tell we all wanted him in our teams so badly. Danny, Tom and Will all said what they had to say and we learnt that his name was Vince and he was from South London.

"Hey Vince!" I started as it was my turn to pitch.

"Hi!" he replied.

"Your voice is incredible and you have so much individuality which I really admire. And if I pull this face," I said as I pulled a weird face. "I know I like it. So if you wanna pull faces with me then hola." Everyone started to laugh but dread filled my body. That was possibly the worst pitch I'd ever done. Gah, I really wanted Vince on my team and now I'd probably gone and messed it up. I slouched in my chair cursing myself while watching Vince struggle over which coach to pick.

"You know what? I'm gonna go with Jessie J," I heard him say. I flung my arms up in the air in victory, a huge smile spread across my face. I ran out of my chair to hug him.

"I can't wait to work with you," I said before heading back to my seat. The producers then called out to take a 5 minute break. The other 3 coaches gathered around my chair with jokey, angry faces.

"I wanted him so bad," Will faked crying on my shoulder.

"I was robbed," Danny shouted before we all burst out laughing.

"Too bad boys - he's mine," I said before doing an evil laugh making us all laugh again. Holly came up to us and sat on the arm of my chair, handing us all warm cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream.

"Good addition to your team, Jess! He's fab," Holly said, patting me on the shoulder.

"Thanks Hols," I replied. "Team Jessie Baby Yeahhhh!" We gulped down our hot chocolates before Holly collected up our empty cups and went to wash them up. The producers started counting down from 30 warning us there was 30 seconds left before the cameras started rolling again. Tom, Will and Danny all headed back to their seats but I grabbed Danny's arm before he could walk away.

"Danny - what's happening with Jake?" I whispered in his ear, not wanting anyone to hear and be suspicious.

"I've got it all under control - there's no need to worry darling," Danny tried to assure me but I wasn't too convinced.

"But I am worrying!" I called as he ran to his seat because the producers were now at 10.

"Well don't!" he called back from his chair. The rest of the day went quite quickly although we saw about another 100 auditionees. All of them were good but none of them were anything particularly amazing in my eyes (or should I say ears). I added no more singers to my team but Tom, Will and Danny added a couple more to theirs. The day came to an end and I was in my dressing room collecting the last of my things when Danny came rushing in.

"I'm just popping out for a bit to sort some things out. Here's the car key I'll be home in about an hour," Danny said, handing me the keys, placing a quick kiss on my cheek before he rushed back out again.

"Danny!" I called out but he was already gone and out the door. I really hoped he was safe and going to be ok but I guess I couldn't do anything about that without getting us both into possible danger. I put my phone in my pocket, grabbed my bag and coat and headed out to the car. Someone must've picked Danny up as he would've had no other way of getting to wherever he was going. I drove home filled with worry. Danny had already got hurt once trying to protect me and I didn't know if I could face it if he got hurt again.

I arrived back home and pulled out my phone. I decided to send Danny a quick text. If he replied I knew he'd be ok.

'please stay safe and don't do anything silly. love you xxxx' I typed out quickly. I threw my phone on the sofa and bent down to stroke Jackson who was running around at my feet, excited he had some company after being left by himself all day. He loved being stroked so he led on his back fully enjoying his tummy rub. A couple of minutes later my phone beeped with a message. I smiled a smile of relief as I read Danny's name but the smile soon faded as I read the message.

'hahaha of course he's not safe. he was messing with me. see you in a bit angel cake hahahaha -Jake'

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Where stories live. Discover now