Chapter 11

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"Call an ambulance!" I screamed at the boys, tears rolling down my cheeks. No one said anything but they all fumbled in their pockets for their phones. Glen pulled his out the quickest and walked out the room to make the phone call.

"Call the police while you're at it," Tom shouted after him. Glen turned around and gave the thumbs up sign to inform us that he'd heard.

"The police? Don't you dare call the police," Jake growled, struggling to get away from Mark and Tom's grip.

"Too late dude. You're not getting away with this," Will said before he came to sit beside me. He put his arm around my shoulders to comfort me.

"Will he be ok?" I sobbed, looking up at Will and then back down at Danny.

"I expect so. He's a fighter," Will told me, kissing my cheek. We all went silent for a while. None of us really knew what to say; even Jake had given up his shouting and cursing. Jackson wriggled up onto my lap and licked away my tears trying to comfort me in his own little way. I kissed to top of his head as he curled up on my lap looking sad. Even if he couldn't understand us he knew that something was wrong. I sat stroking him until I heard the distant sound of sirens. We all looked around and Jake started to fight Tom and Mark again desperate to get free before the police arrive.

"You're not going anywhere, mate. You'll pay for what you've done," Mark warned him.

"It's all her fault. If she would've just done what she was told none of this would've happened. Stupid bitch," Jake cursed.

"She did the right thing. You're the stupid bitch," Mark replied. We heard Glen shout from outside and then the sound of footsteps coming nearer and nearer.

"It's gonna be ok, Danny. The paramedics are here. They'll look after you," I reassured him as I kissed his forehead. The next couple of minutes were a complete blur. The paramedics pushed me away from Danny and started pulling him up onto a stretcher while the police handcuffed Jake. I just sat there looking around trying to take in everything that was happening and that had happened. It didn't really seem real. It felt like a nightmare and that I was going to wake up any minute. I closed my eyes longing to wake up happily in Danny's bed so I could roll over and start this whole day again. I never would've gone out to buy those stupid beans. I would've stayed right there in the safeness of Danny's house with Danny to protect me. We could've happily had a slice of toast each for breakfast but no I had to go and mess things up. I longed and longed to go back but I opened my eyes and I was exactly where I was before: in the study with Jackson on my lap, who was looking rather frightened at the sudden amount of noise.

I looked around to see everyone was leaving. Jake was being dragged out by the policemen, Danny on the stretcher being carried out by the two paramedics, Mark and Glen following behind him until it was just me, Tom and Will and left.

"Come on sweetheart. Let's go to the hospital," Tom said, holding out his hand to help me up. I lifted Jackson off my lap and placed in beside me before taking Tom's hand and standing up.

"I'll be back later, I promise," I said to Jackson bending down to give him a quick, reassuring pat on the head before I left. I felt awful about leaving him especially as he'd been left on his own, locked up in that cage for so long but I had to get to the hospital. Danny would go straight there if it was me in his position. I grabbed Tom's hand and we walked out. Danny was being wheeled into the ambulance and Mark and Glen were talking to the paramedic as we approached.

"I think we should let Jess go," I heard Glen say to Mark.

"What's happening?" I asked, walking up to them. It's weird to think I'd never met them before and we'd been through all this together already. It weirdly felt like I'd known them for ages.

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Where stories live. Discover now