Chapter 20

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The next day was back at The Voice studios to carry on with the filming of the auditions. When us coaches were off for a week with everything that happened the producers had done the first stage of auditions so we weren't behind therefore now we were on to the spinney chair and picking our teams part - yay! Danny, Holly and I arrived together as in the end Holly stayed the night. We arrived quite early as Holly was due to be there 45 minutes earlier than us.

Holly was immediately whisked away to be shown around and what she had to do so Danny and I headed to the make-up and wardrobe rooms to get ready before Tom and Will arrived. Danny got taken to have his hair spiked and gelled or whatever men do to their hair while the girls straightened mine and applied some make-up. I wanted to go for something not too over the top as I think most girls on TV now-a-days don't look natural at all and, in my opinion, that was a bad message to give out to the young girls that were going to be watching besides I'd be spending a good 16 hours in these clothes and make-up and hairstyle so I didn't want to be uncomfortable - it was going to be a long day.

I was just heading to the wardrobe room when Tom walked in. I quickly excused myself from the wardrobe girls I was chatting to as Tom signalled for me to come out into the corridor to speak to him.

"Alright Tomio?" I asked closing the door behind me as I joined him in the corridor.

"Yeah, yeah I'm alright thanks, Jess. How are things with you and Danny?" Tom asked.

"They're great - they really really are. We're happy," I smiled.

"I'm glad - I really am. You two are perfect for each other," Tom replied. "Anyway have you heard anything about Jake recently?"

"No, nothing at all. Why?" I asked noticing a serious look wash over Tom's face.

"Well, um I've been keeping up to date with the case with one of my old friends who is in the business and Jake, well, he was trialled yesterday," Tom started.

"Really? What was the outcome? He's been locked up right?" I quizzed Tom a ripple of panic taking over my body.

"I'm sorry Jess. They didn't have enough evidence. He's got away with a £5,000 fine," Tom broke the news.

"What the fuck?" I cursed.

"It'll be ok Jess. None of us will let him near you ever again - he won't hurt you this time," Tom reassured me pulling in for one of his big bear hugs. I thought of him as if he was my granddad. He had such caring ways and he treated me as if I was his granddaughter which was why I loved hims o much. Tom then got called into the make-up room and I got called into the wardrobe room so we had to part.

I couldn't believe after everything Jake had done that he was still roaming the streets. I knew for a fact he'd be back to bother me - he wasn't one of those guys that gave up easily but I trusted Tom and I knew I just had to stay clear of going out on my own. I quickly grabbed a pair of disco pants and black top and jacket form the wardrobe and quickly pulled them on and wandered out into the studio where Holly was still chatting to the other producers.

"Jesssss!" she called out as she saw me walk through the door.

"Hi Hols! Enjoying the new job?" I asked, walking over to join her and the other producers.

"I love it - eeek it's the best job in the whole entire world! You look fab by the way!" she replied.

"Thanks babe!" I said. "Oh there's Danny - I need to go speak to him a second. See you later." I rushed over to Danny and dragged him into the corner.

"Is everything alright babe?" Danny asked noticing the desperate look on my face.

"Yeah well kinda um Jake h-he, he got let out yesterday," I told Danny. I watched as the anger took over his body. He didn't say anything for a while but I knew just what he was thinking. I noticed him clench his fists so tight his knuckles turned white. I grabbed his hands and unclenched them letting the blood run through his hands again.

"Sorry darling - I'm just so mad. After everything he did to you he needs to be punished," Danny said, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Its fine - it'll be fine," I reassured him.

"No, no Jess it's not - he needs to be punished and you know what? I'm gonna punish him. He's not getting away with this," Danny growled through gritted teeth. He removed his arm from around my shoulders and started to walk off.

"Danny, please don't do anything stupid," I begged grabbing his arm and pulling him back.

"Don't worry babe - you gotta trust me," he reassured me, kissing my forehead before walking off again. "I'm going to make a couple of phone calls."

I walked over to my red chair and slumped down into it while I waited for the other guys to be ready. I was scared about what Danny was going to do. He was a really really lovely guy but when he gets angry who knows what he might do...

A/N hi guys - I'm back from my little trip away now so here's the next chapter of the story. Sorry this is quite a short chapter with mainly dialogue but I promise you it's about to get exciting! hope you're all well and had a great new year. Happy New 2014!

-gemma xxxx

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Where stories live. Discover now