Chapter 14

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I must've fallen asleep soon after Danny came back with the hot chocolates as I woke up an hour later with Danny tapping me on the shoulder gently.

"Jess, do you wanna come and get into bed or do you wanna sleep here?" Danny said softly as I opened my eyes.

"I'll come to bed," I replied. I yawned and stretched before picking Jackson (who was sleeping on my lap as normal) up and placing him on the sofa beside me before I followed Danny through to the bedroom. Danny tossed me another shirt and some trackies as the ones I'd worn last night were still at the studio from when I arrived and got into my outfit the morning before. I quickly pulled them on and climbed into the bed.

"Tom texted to say that Moria has postponed the rest of the auditions until next week so have a good lie in babe. See you in the morning," Danny said as he climbed in next to me.

"Oh great," I said tiredly as I snuggled into the pillow. It wasn't long before I was back to sleep again.

But my sleep was not a peaceful one, I dreamt a horrible, horrible dream. Jake was back. He locked me in a tiny room with just a mattress and a toilet. He'd hit me, kicked me, bruised me, cut me before pushing me into this horrible room. I'd screamed, shouted and cried but no one could hear me. There was no one around. Suddenly I heard feet come running up the stairs.

"Jessie! Jess!" I heard someone call out. I instantly recognised Danny's voice - the Irish accent gave it away every time.

"Jessica!" I heard another voice: the voice of my Nan.

"Danny! Nan! Help! Please help!" I cried, standing up and running to the door, banging on it desperate for them to hear me. I shouted their names over and over again but they seemed to have disappeared. At that moment I heard a male and a female voice screaming before the loud sound of a gunshot.

"NOOOO!" I screamed kicking and banging on the door for all I was worth, desperate to get out. After one last kick, the door flew to the floor and I ran out. Led on the floor were Danny and my Nan before bleeding and not breathing....

I woke up with a start, sitting up and breathing really heavily like I was having a panic attack while tears streamed down my face. I must've woken Danny up with my sudden movements as his arm was instantly round my shoulder and I felt his lips on my temple.

"What's wrong, Jess? Did you have a nightmare?" Danny asked.

"Yeah, oh my god Danny. It was awful," I sobbed into his chest.

"What was it about babe?" Danny asked.

"N-no, I don't wanna talk about it," I stuttered.

"It'll help to talk, Jessie. It's not gonna help if you keep it to yourself," he persuaded so I gave in and told him all about it. I couldn't stop crying and as I spoke about I cried even harder. It wasn't really the nightmare that had upset that much. I'd had tons of nightmares before. It was the fact it was so clear and just felt so real that got to me so much.

"It was so real," I sobbed.

"But it wasn't real so there's no need to worry, alright? I'm fine and your Nan well, well she's in a good, happy place now," Danny reassured me.

"I know, I know," I said, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. I sat there for a while trying to get my breath back and calm myself down before I glanced over at the clock which read 8:46. "Anyway, I better ring my mum and see what time she's coming over." I climbed out of bed and walked into the lounge where I'd left my phone the night before. I noticed I had three missed calls from Holly so I quickly texted mum and rang Holly back. She picked up straight away.

"Hi Jess, are you ok? I heard about your nan," she asked. Bless her - she always cared about me and looked out for me.

"Yeah, I can't pretend I'm not upset casue I am but she was suffering and she'll be happier now," I said.

"That's right - I'm always here for you if you wanna talk about it, Jess. You know that," she said. "Anyway, what's the dealio with you and Danny?"

I walked through to the kitchen and shut the door behind me so Danny wouldn't hear us talking about him.

"It's going well actually," I started. "It's the second night I've stayed. Nothing major has happened between us but I really really like him. Being with him again has made me realise how much I've really missed him."

"You two always have made a really cute couple," Holly replied.

"Why thank you," I giggled. "I wanna make it work again. I love him, I really do."

"Then go get him girl! Anyway I need to go - dance rehearsals. Bye Jess!" Holly said before hanging up. As I put my phone on the counter I jumped as two strong arms wrapped around my waist and a prickly bearded chin rested on my shoulder.

"ohhh, so you love me do you?" Danny chuckled spinning me around to face him.

"Maybeee," I blushed. "You heard that?"

"Every single word," he grinned. "But if it makes you feel any better I love you too." I smiled as he laid a gentle kiss on my nose.

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Where stories live. Discover now