Chapter 8

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"Ah so you remember me," Jake snarled as he walked down the steps towards me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked trying to act strong despite the fact I was shaking. I could still picture me and him in the corridor on prom night, his hand gripped so tight around my arm, him slobbering all over me.

"I heard you were in town so I thought I'd pop by," he laughed as he stood over me.

"Get away from her," Danny growled, darting up from his seat and rushing over to my side.

"Not until I get what I've wanted, what I've waited for for years," Jake snarled.

"No way. Just leave Jake," I said quietly, trying desperately to fight back the tears. I didn't want to see weak in front of him or anyone else but all the memories came flooding back from years ago: his party and the kiss, prom night.

"Alright mate, are you going to audition or not?" Tom stepped in.

"Yes, yes I am," Jake said, walking back up onto the stage. "This one's for you two." He looked from me to Danny. The music started and I immediately recognised the song. He was singing No Air, the first song me and Danny had sung together. It was the song we'd kissed after singing. If it wasn't for this song me and Danny might've never happened. I peered over at Danny and saw him looking back at me. I couldn't take this any longer. I knew I couldn't leave as it was being recorded and it would only make me look bad as no one would understand. Only Danny could possibly understand how I was feeling but he was a lot stronger than me. I looked around desperately trying to catch someone's attention but everyone was just watching Jake. He couldn't sing at all. There was no way I would put him through. I wouldn't even put him through if he could sing. I looked to the floor trying desperately to block the noise out until he eventually finished.

"So, how was that? Are you guys gonna turn around or whatever and put me through?" Jake asked, cockily.

"We don't spin around at this point. This is only the first stage of auditions," Tom informed him. "But no, I'm sorry you're not good enough and I'm sure the other coaches would agree." We all nodded in agreement and the anger grew on Jake's face.

"Well if I can't win the competition I want her," Jake growled, pointing at me. "I've waited years for this girl and I've finally found her again. I'm not giving up now." I felt Tom and Will's eyes staring at me but I looked to the floor.

"You're not through, Jake. Just leave," I said softly.

"I SAID NOT UNTIL I HAVE YOU!" he shouted but security dragged him off before he had a chance to say anymore apart from three words I heard in the distance. "I'll be back." Shivers went running down my spine as the words echoed around the studio.

"I need a break," I said, running off down the corridor towards my dressing room, the tears I'd been holding back running down my cheeks.

"Jess, Jess!" I heard Danny calling my name. I turned around and ran into his arms. I sobbed against his chest as he stroked my hair.

"Come on now babe. I won't let him hurt you," Danny comforted me. "Come on let's go into my dressing room." He held my hand and let me into his dressing room and sitting me down next to him on the sofa.

"I'm sorry. I'm being stupid. It was just such a shock seeing him after all this time. All the memories from prom night came flooding back - it was horrible," I apologized, wiping my eyes.

"No darling, there's no need to be sorry - I understand," he said, rubbing my knee in comfort.

"No, I've messed everything up now. We'll have to tell everyone everything," I sobbed.

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Where stories live. Discover now