Chapter 32

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I left my phone thrown on the floor and stormed through to the bedroom. I collapsed on the bed, my head in the pillow. I kept biting my lips and the insides of my cheeks to stop myself from crying. I was sick of crying over Danny. He'd been the reason for my tears so many times and I was done with it. I was done with him, done with this relationship and once The Voice was over for the series, I was done with that too. I was going to block out anything and everything do to with him in my life. I pulled on my pyjamas, grabbed my pillow and a blanket from the bed and walked out into the living room. No way was I sleeping in the bed I had once shared with him and in the morning I would look for a flat for myself. I was stupid to ever have sold my house. I should've known this wouldn't last.

I curled up on the sofa, pulling the blanket over me and immediately Jackson came leaping up on the sofa to join in. He curled up in between my arms and fell asleep straight away. If only it was that simple and easy for me to fall asleep. I was almost certain that I'd be awake all night. I tossed and turned not being able to get comfy for what felt like hours but according to the clock was only 20 minutes. I got up a couple of minutes later and decided to make a hot chocolate, hopefully that would send me to sleep. I was just mixing the chocolate powder and the milk when there was a loud knocking at the door. I froze on the spot, suddenly terrified. Luckily, I was in the kitchen so whoever was at the door couldn't see me through the window and would hopefully go away.

I carried on making my drink trying to be as quiet as I could but the banging carried on. Eventually I gave in and marched towards the door. I flung it open to see Holly stood on the doorstop.

"Jesus Christ Jess, did you wanna take any longer to open the door?" she exclaimed stepping inside.

"Sorry I didn't know it was you," I laughed. "What are you doing here anyway? It's 11:30 at night."

"I know but Danny called..." Holly started to speak before trailing off.

"Why?" I snapped, walking towards the sofa and sitting down. I can't believe he dragged Holly in to this for goodness sake. It was nothing to do with her and if anyone was going to tell her, he should've let me do it. She is my best friend, not his.

"He told me to tell you that it's not what it sounded like. Apparently she was a cleaner who was cleaning his hotel room. I don't know anything else apart from that but he did sound really sorry and upset on the phone," Holly said. "Maybe you should give him a call? Talk it through?"

"No way and no way was it a cleaner in his room. What cleaner calls their clients 'babe' and asks them what they're doing?" I replied. "I'm not falling for his petty excuses and lies, not this time."

"Jessie, come on. You should at least hear what he has to say," Holly said, trying to talk me round.

"I thought you were my best friend? You're meant to take my side. You're meant to be supportive towards me. He's done this before. He promised he wouldn't this time," I shouted, my voice getting louder and louder as I spoke as the anger built up inside me. I stormed into the bathroom slamming and locking the door behind me. I leant against the door as a tear trickled down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and blinked hard to stop any others from falling. I was not going to cry over this. He didn't deserve my tears.

I sat down on the floor, still leaning against the door, as Holly began to talk to me from the other side of the door.

"Jess, I'm sorry. You know I'm not taking his side over yours - no way!" she started. "I-I just think you should hear him out. He loves you Jessie. He really does and he'll treat you a damn lot better than anyone else ever would."

"Then how come he's cheated on me," I snapped.

"I don't know babe but how about you come over to mine tonight? We can have a girly night and watch some movies - help take your mind of everything. You'll feel better in the morning: your mind will be clearer and you'll know what to do: being in this house is just making things worse," Holly said. I stood up and unlocked the door. I opened it to see Holly sat in the exact same position as I had been sat a couple of seconds ago. She stood up as soon as she felt the door open and embraced me in a hug.

"It'll all be ok - I promise," she said, taking my hand and leading me out of the house, calling Jackson to follow us. We all climbed in the car: Holly in the driver's seat, me next to her in the passenger seat and Jackson on my lap. Neither of us said anything on the ride to her house but there wasn't much to say anyway. We pulled up on her driveway and all climbed out the car. Holly told me she'd make hot chocolate and that I should go upstairs and pick out a DVD. Following her instructions, I went up the stairs and into her bedroom where I started rummaging through her box of DVDs. We'd watched all of them thousands of times each from all the sleepovers and movie nights we'd had but I decided on Pitch Perfect as it never failed to make us both laugh and was such a feel-good movie.

I was just putting Pitch Perfect into the DVD player when there was a quite tap at the door and someone walked into the room.

"Is Pitch Perfect OK?" I asked assuming it was Holly who had come in.

"Jessie it's me," a male voice said. I turned around to see Tom sat on the edge of Holly's bed.

"Oh hi," I said blushing slightly.

"Are you OK? I heard about what happened," he said. I sighed. Why did everyone feel the need to get involved and know my business? I knew he was only trying to be nice but I wish he didn't know.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll get over it," I replied getting up and joining him on the bed.

"You know, he's not worth it. He obviously doesn't realise how lucky he is to have you," Tom said.

"Thank you," I replied blushing at his kind words. I don't know what it was about Tom but he had the ability to make me blush more than anyone else I had ever met.

"Anyway I'll leave you and Holly to it - have fun," he said standing up of the bed.

"You don't have to go," I said, grabbing his arm and pulling him back down onto the bed. Before I knew what I was doing, my hand was on his cheek and I was leaning in towards him. I smile spread across my face and connected our lips together. What was I doing? I knew it was wrong but I just couldn't help myself...

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Where stories live. Discover now