Chapter 29

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A/N Hi! I'm so so sorry that I haven't updated but my laptop crashed last week while I was writing and I lost everything I'd done and I've only just got my laptop back from the computer place today! Anyway here's the next chapter sorry if it's a bit short and rubbish but I wanted to get it done for you guys! 

-Gemma xxx

I woke up the next morning and smiled remembering the night before. It really had been perfect. I rolled over and watched Danny sleep for a while. I loved the way he looked so peaceful when he slept and it made me realise how lucky I was to have him. He was gorgeous, could sing, play instruments: he was literally every girls dream guy but I was the lucky girl. I smiled again as I rolled back over and sat up before swinging my legs off the side of the bed to get up but before I could stand up two muscly arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back down.

"Stay here," Danny groaned in his sexy morning voice as he pulled me close to him.

"But babe I wanna get up," I replied rolling over to face him.

"Why? We have nothing to do today?" Danny asked.

"I've been awake for a while and I'm hungry," I moaned. "Fine, I'll go make breakfast then come back."

"Yay!" Danny cheered a bit too over the top. He released me from his arms and I crawled out of the bed. I wandered through to the kitchen and began searching through the cupboards trying to find something to cook for breakfast. Obviously Danny hadn't done much shopping while I had moved out for the couple of days as there was hardly anything to eat. I eventually found some bacon and bread and made us both bacon sandwiches before carrying them and two cups of tea through to the bedroom. It was a bit of a challenge having to balance the two plates on my arms as I was holding the mugs in my hands but I just about managed. I kicked the bedroom door open and noticed a concerned look on Danny's face as he was staring at his phone. I put the two mugs down on the bedside table before passing Danny his sandwich.

"You ok?" I asked, climbing back into the bed beside him.

"Yeah, yeah," Danny replied but I wasn't convinced. I knew when he wasn't telling me something.

"Danny. Come on - you can tell me," I reassured him trying to see what he was looking at on his phone but he locked it before I could see. "Danny we're in a relationship - you're meant to be able to trust me."

"I can trust you but it doesn't matter - I'm not going," he replied.

"Going where?" I asked confused.

"To America," he sighed pausing for a while before explaining himself. "My manager just texted saying he's got us a couple of gigs in the US for the next couple of days while we have time off from The Voice but we're meant to be spending time together so I'm not going."

"America?! That's huge! You have to go!" I exclaimed.

"But we're meant to be spending the next few days together. After what we've been through in the past couple of weeks we need time together - we deserve it!" he argued.

"But Danny this isn't just an average gig. What would Mark and Glen say if you say no? They'll be devastated!" I said. Danny didn't reply but just looked down. I knew what he was thinking. He was torn between letting me down and letting Mark and Glen down.

"We can spend loads more time together when you get back. We'll be together at The Voice and every night. I'm not going anywhere," I reassured him, grabbing his hand and squeezing it.

"Really? I feel awful," he confessed.

"I'm sure - you can't miss out on this," I replied. "When you leaving?"

"Mark's coming to pick me up in just over half an hour," he said.

"An hour?! Well you better go get ready then," I smiled getting back out the bed to help him pack. I thought we'd have more than half an hour to say goodbye. It was very sudden but I kept smiling. It was only for a couple of days and no doubt we'd be ringing, texting and face-timing most the time. Danny stuffed his bacon sandwich into his mouth as he ran to the bathroom and shower while I began packing his bag. I had never been good at packing so I just did my normal thing and went through searching the drawers throwing random things in the bag. Danny came rushing in throwing his toothbrush at me to put in the bag as he grabbed clothes from the wardrobe and pulled them on.

"5 minutes!" I called out noticing the time on the clock.

"I got this!" he laughed attempting to comb his hair into a quiff but giving up after a few seconds and pulled on a beanie instead. I threw him his trainers which he quickly pulled on before shoving his wallet and phone in his pocket. He walked towards embracing me in a tight hug.

"I'm gonna miss you," he whispered into my ear.

"It's only for a couple of days - we'll cope without each other till then," I laughed nervously but we were interrupted by a car horn honking outside the window.

"That'll be Mark," Danny sighed picking up his bag and slinging it over his shoulder.

"Well I'll see you in a couple of days then," I said forcing a smile.

"Bye babe - stay safe," he said, placing a quick kiss on my lips. "I love you."

"I love you too," I said, following him to the door. I watched as he threw his bag in the back seat before climbing in the passenger seat next to Mark. I stood waving as they drove off into the distance and once again I was by myself.

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Where stories live. Discover now