Chapter 37

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Tears threatened my eyes as Danny spoke those words about me in front of millions of people on TV. Danny didn't hate me? He loved me? I glanced over at Holly who was smiling at me like a Cheshire cat.

"I can't believe you knew about this but didn't tell me," I shouted in a jokey way throwing a cushion at her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she laughed as she threw the cushion back. "Anyway I expect someone is expecting a phone call. I'll be off."

"Yeah of course. I'll ring him now," I smiled, picking up my phone and hugging Holly goodbye before scrolling down to Danny's name on my contact list. It rung a couple of times but it didn't take long for him to pick up.

"Hello hello," he answered. I could hear the happiness in his voice for the first time in a couple of days. "I'm guessing you watched the show?"

"Yes," I giggled nervously. "I love you."

"I love you too but I guess you know that as you watched," Danny replied. "Anyway its late where you are isn't it? Go get some sleep and I'll be home in the morning."

"Ok, I've missed you," I said.

"I've missed you too - see you in the morning," he replied before we hung up. I smiled to myself as I wandered through to the bedroom. It was a weird but great feeling to think that only 15 minutes ago I was still mad at Danny, thinking he hated me, and now I was happier than I ever was before. I climbed into the bed and pulled the duvet over me. I didn't realise how exhausted I was until my head hit the pillow and I immediately fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up and rolled over remembering last night but my heart sank slightly when I rolled over to an empty space in the bed. I though t Danny said he'd be home in the morning? I glanced at my alarm clock and saw it was 11:45. Surely he should be home by now? I grabbed my phone but I'd had no messages from him either. Why hadn't he at least texted? I threw my phone across the bed and flung the duvet off me, going to make a cup of tea.

As I stood up I noticed rose petals leading out the door. What were these doing here? I followed the path of rose petals out the door and towards the back door. I carried on following although I was still confused on what has happening. I opened the back door careful not to disturb Jackson who was still asleep in his little bed in the corner. It was a good thing it was a nice day otherwise the rose petals would be blown all over the place. I carried on following them as they led me through the woods until I came to an actual path. As there was no other way to go and the rose petals had stopped, I followed the path up to two big rose bushes with a gate filling the gap between them. I looked around checking no one was watching before I opened the gate. I didn't have a clue where I was or who had set this up and if I was even allowed through this gate. What if it was someone's private gardens?

I kept looking around as I opened the gate but I guess no one else knew about this area either as there was no one around apart from me and the birds who were singing in the trees above me. I walked through the gate and saw a small table for two set up in the far corner of this massive garden. I walked over a bit weary as I noticed someone sat at the table. Was I meant to be here? Had the petals led me to the right place? As I got closer I immediately noticed who it was sat at the table.

"Danny!" I exclaimed running towards him as he stood up. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his wrapped around my waist.

"Oh I've missed you," he whispered in to my neck as he placed kisses from my neck up to my cheek.

"I've missed you too," I replied turning my head to face him before joining our lips for the first time in what felt like forever even though it was only a couple of days ago. Danny gestured for me to take a seat opposite him on the table. He laid out all sorts of delicious breakfast treats from croissants to waffles to fruit to pancakes. He poured us both a glass of orange juice as we tucked in to the food.

"Listen, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't of kis-" I started.

"Let's not talk about it - we've both done wrong but that doesn't matter anymore," Danny interrupted.

"Ok," I agreed a smile spreading across my face. It saved me from apologising which I really didn't want to have to do. Not that I wasn't sorry but I didn't know how to explain. I wasn't good at explaining or expressing my feelings.

We sat for ages talking and eating just like it used to be. No one would've ever guessed we had been arguing and ignoring each other only 12 hours before. It was so comfortable and just like it always was and it was so nice to catch up and hear about Danny's experiences in the US. I regretted not being able to hear about it and experience it with him while he was out there but that was in the past now and there was nothing I could do to change it.

"Anyway I got you a little present while I was away," Danny said changing the subject as he leaned down and fished out a present from underneath his chair.

"Aw Danny! You shouldn't have!" I exclaimed taking the present from him. It was shaped and felt like a shoe box but I had no idea what was in it. I took the layer of wrapping paper off and opened the box and inside was another box. I gave Danny an inquisitive look but he just smiled a big smile at me not giving anything away. I opened the second box only to find a third box inside it. What was going on? I carried on opening box after box just to find yet another box inside it.

"Is this a joke?" I laughed after 12 boxes inside of each other.

"No, just keep going," Danny laughed. I carried on opening another 5 boxes until I opened one which led me to a different box. All the other boxes had been cardboard but this one was a nice box. It was a box which the jewellers put the jewellery you buy in. I looked up at Danny and he just smiled an even bigger smile than before.

"Open it," he smiled. I followed his instructions and lifted the lid of the box. I gasped as I saw the most gorgeous diamond ring. I looked up to look at Danny but he was down on one knee. Tears pricked at my eyes as he grabbed my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Jessica Ellen Cornish, will you do me the honour of being my wife? Will you marry me?" Danny asked staring deeply into my eyes.

"W-what? Really?" I stuttered. "Yes, yes of course I will!"

Danny stood up and pulled me close connecting our lips before picking me up and spinning me round.

"Are you sure about this? I mean we've just had an argument what if we're rushing things?" I asked suddenly slightly unsure of the whole thing.

"So what? Everyone argues. It'd be weird if we didn't argue and being apart from you made me realise how much I loved you and couldn't stand to not be with you for the rest of my life. The only thing I would ever regret is letting you go," he reassured me holding my face and tucking my hair behind my ear.

"I love you Mr O'Donoghue."

"I love you more Mrs O'Donoghue."

A/N SO THAT'S IT! I hope you agree and like the way I ended it and I really hope you've enjoyed the story. I just wanna say a massive thank you to all of you that have read, voted and commented. I never imagined I'd get more than 100 reads let alone over 50k reads and 1k votes on both my books. You've given me so much confidence with my writing. Thank you - i love you all 

-Gemma xxxx

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