Chapter 18

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After another of his magical kisses I climbed into the car smiling. I felt good for being brave and strong enough to say goodbye to my nan as I wasn't sure if I could make the funeral due to The Voice commitments but strangely that didn't bother me. I'd said what I'd wanted to say and it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Danny started the car and we headed off to the McDonalds down the road from the hospital.

Danny parked the car again and we walked into McDonalds which was surprisingly empty considering it was lunchtime. We ordered and collected our food and sat eating it. Although it wasn't healthy food it tasted far better than anything else in the world and I just couldn't help but love it. We sat chatting while we ate until we couldn't think of anything else to say. There was a silence for a couple of minutes as we finished eating which Danny then broke with a proposal (not the kind you're thinking;))

"Jessie?" he started as he slurped the last bit of his milkshake.

"Yes," I replied.

"I-I was thinking that, if you wanted to, a-as we've been spending so much time together and well I love you so maybe t-that-" Danny stuttered.

"Come on. Spit it out," I interrupted.

"Ok, I was thinking that you could move in," Danny said, quickly.

"Move in? To your place? Permanently?" I asked as a smile spread across my face.

"Yeah- if you want or we could take you back to your place o-or," Danny back-tracked.

"No no - I'd love to move in!" I exclaimed, leaning across the table and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Let's get going then my lady," he said standing up and sticking out his arm signalling for me to wrap mine around it.

"Alright cringey! Let's just go," I laughed walking past and pushing his arm down.

He followed me out to the car and we both clambered in for the third time that day. I knew where we were heading even though Danny had never said where we were going. I wasn't really prepared to see my house broken into and the windows smashed like how I'd left it a couple of weeks ago when Jake had been arrested and Danny had been taken to hospital. It had always been in the back of my mind that I'd have to go back - practically everything I own was there - but it still made me nervous. However I knew what to do. I'd walk in, grab a suitcase, fill it up with clothes and my other belongings and get out again. Then I'd get back to Danny's unpack, settle in and ring an estate agent and just hand it over to them to sort out.

Neither of us said anything during the journey but as we pulled into the driveway of my house I got a sudden boost of courage. Danny stopped the car and began to speak but I couldn't let this courage leave me before I had the chance to lose it. I took a deep breath and got out the car before I had the chance to hear what Danny was saying. I did exactly what I promised myself I would do. I walk straight past the broken windows and the door which was lying on the floor and headed straight to my bedroom where I grabbed my suitcase from under my bed and threw it onto the bed. I quickly scooped up all my clothes and shoes from my wardrobe and drawers and put them in and then grabbed my toiletries and jewellery and anything else I found that I thought I might need or want. Danny came rushing in behind me and just stood watching for a while before he sat next to the suitcase.

"Jess? Are you alright?" he asked as I continued throwing things into my suitcase.

"Yes. I just wanna get my stuff and get out of here," I snapped.

"Jessie just stop for a second," Danny said, grabbing my hand and pulling me onto the bed next to him. "I know it can't be nice being here and I'm sure you noticed that things have been stolen since the last time we were here but I promise we'll sort this out, ok?"

"Ok, thank you," I relaxed. "But I hate being here and seeing this place in this state so can we just finish getting this stuff and leave?"

"Of course babe," Danny replied. "What else do you need?"

"My iPod is in the kitchen and I'll go grab my DVDs and CDs from the living room," I said getting up from the bed and walking through to the living room. I instantly noticed how the TV had gone and the big sound system that was normally in the corner. I wasn't really surprised as the house was an easy target for burglars as the door had already been broken down and there was no one staying there - I guess I only really had myself to blame. I shoved the DVDs and CDs in a bag and picked up the family pictures and the pictures of Holly and I that I had framed and put on walls and mantelpieces all over the house and placed them in the suitcase before zipping it up. Danny followed me back into the bedroom with my iPod and portable speakers in one hand and a piece of paper in the other.

"What's that?" I asked signalling at the paper he was holding in his hand.

"I wrote a letter which I thought we could send off to the estate agents and leave them to sort it out unless you want to do it yourself?" Danny answered handing it over to me.

"You must've read my mind," I smiled glancing at the piece of paper and scanning over the words on the page. "That's perfect thank you."

"It's my pleasure darling," he replied. "Just sign at the bottom and we'll find an envelope and we can send it off and then we can forget about this place."

"Great!" I smiled, taking the pen from Danny and signing the letter. I went and found an envelope from the cupboard and we dropped it off at the estate agents on our way home. My home from now on. Home to Danny's or should I say our house.

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Where stories live. Discover now