Chapter 25

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There wasn't much of the day left after we'd seen Jade and Sam. We saw another 10 auditionees after them but none of them were special and no-one else got added to any of our teams. The crew then started to pack away the cameras and lights for the day and the band packed up their instruments. We had a quick chat with Moria about the plan for the day tomorrow so we all knew and could get on with it as soon as we got there. It was the last day of auditions tomorrow so we had to get through the last 500 auditionees that were expected. It would be sad to see the auditions end as we'd had such fun and so many laughs the past few days but I was really excited to train and work with my team before the battle rounds which sounded even more exciting.

I headed back to my dressing room to get Jackson and my things while waiting for Holly to finish doing whatever she might be doing to help out. I dug a couple of treats I'd stuffed in my bag and fed them to Jackson as he'd been stuck in one room all day. He must've gone a bit crazy as he was used to being allowed out whenever he wanted. I was just stuffed my phone and keys in my bag when there was a knock on the door.

"I'm just coming Hols," I called out as I pulled my coat on, assuming it was Holly.

"It's not Holly," I heard a voice laugh as the door opened. I looked up to see Danny standing at the door. "You didn't think I was gonna leave without saying goodbye did you?"

"I thought you had already gone but I'm glad you came," I smiled, standing up.

"Do we really have to do this?" Danny asked, collapsing on the sofa.

"Danny, you know we do," I sighed, joining him on the sofa. "We can't risk getting hurt."

"Fine," Danny stropped as if he was 5 years old making us both giggle. We sat in silence for a while neither of us knowing what to say or wanting to leave each other until Holly came bursting in.

"Sorry Jess, got caught up with the camera guys bossing me around," she chattered before spotting Danny sat next to me. "Oh sorry, did I interrupt something?"

"No, no it's fine - I better be going anyway," Danny said, standing up.

"I'll wait in the car," Holly said to me before walking out the room.

Danny stood looking down at me for a while a sort of sad look on his face. "Don't look so sad!" I said. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

"I know, I know," he smiled, pulling me into a big hug before pushing his lips on to mine. "See you tomorrow babe. I'll miss ya." He then walked out the door and headed down the corridor. I picked Jackson up and followed in Danny's direction where Holly was waiting in the car. I tapped on her window to let her know I was ready before getting in my car and following Holly to her house. Holly's house was only a few of roads away from Danny's so it only took a few minutes to get there. I pulled up on the driveway and scooped Jackson up in my arms before meeting Holly where she was unlocking the door. I put Jackson out in the garden so he could run around after being stuck inside all day while Holly helped me unload the car and carry my things into the spare bedroom I'd be sleeping in the next few nights.

The night passed quite quickly with Holly and I relaxing on the sofa, stuffing our faces and watching rubbish on TV. A perfect girly night in. We were half way through watching Big Brother when my phone started ringing. I picked my phone up and read Danny's name. Smiling I went to pick it up until I remembered what he'd said that morning. 'I dropped my phone in that guy's car. He'll probably be waiting for you to call.' So who was this calling?

"H-holly," I stuttered as my hand started to tremble slightly.

"Jess? what's wrong?" Holly asked grabbing my shaking hand to steady it.

"Danny dropped his phone with that guy but, but Danny's calling now? It must be that guy," I said.

"Give it here. I'll answer," Holly said, grabbing the phone off me and answering it before putting it on speaker phone.

"I don't know who you are but you need to leave Jessie and Danny alone. You're lucky you're not already rotting in a cell but if you come near them again I'll make sure you are," Holly shouted. She could get really feisty at times.

"You think you scare me, you pathetic little girl. I'm coming after you and Jessie. Boss's orders," a man's voice laughed evilly down the phone before the line went dead..

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Where stories live. Discover now