Chapter 28

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A/N hi guys! I'm so so sorry I haven't updated in a while - life's been so hectic with school work and rehearsals for a show I'm doing but it's half term now so I'm gonna try my best to update and write as much as I can this week! Anyway here's the next chapter which is a slightly longer one to make up for not updating! Please keep voting and commenting - thank you, i love you all.

-Gemma xxx

The day flew by, all four of us completing our teams ready for the battles rounds in a couple of weeks' time. We even finished early as a few acts hadn't turned up and the day went smoothly and ran quickly and before we knew it, it was the end of the day and we could leave! Filming and training with our teams started next week so we had a few days off over the weekend to chill out. I headed back to my dressing room to collect everything when Danny came strolling in.

"Alright babe?" he asked as he leant against the door.

"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine," I replied stopping what I was doing to talk to him.

"Um, well babe, about tonight, you're coming home right?" he asked, moving to sit on the sofa, gesturing for me to sit next to him.

"Yeah, is that ok?" I asked following his instructions and sitting next to him.

"Of course! I missed you last night but this surprise I got planned isn't gonna work while you're there..." he hinted.

"Ah ok, it's fine I was gonna go see my mum and dad tomorrow so I'll just go round for a couple of hours tonight - so I'll be round at 7?" I asked.

"Yes! Thank you babe - love you," he smiled, kissing my nose.

"See you later," I called after him as he dashed out the room. Jeez, I was dying to know what this surprise was. I really, really hated surprises. I shoved the last few things into my bag before pulling my coat on and picking Jackson up and carrying him out to the car. Danny was just unlocking his car so I ran up to him, passing Jackson over.

"Hey, take Jackson with you please? He's probably missing home and you know how much Mum hates dogs," I said, passing Jackson over as he was already struggling to get to Danny.

"Yeah, sure," Danny said, taking Jackson from me as he started licking Danny's face lovingly. "Anyway I gotta dash - see you later!"

I said goodbye again before we climbed into our separate cars. I began to drive to Mum and Dad's house when a thought suddenly hit me. I realised I had nothing to wear for this 'surprise' tonight! I kept picturing what I had packed in my bag and what outfits I had with me but nothing was suitable to turn up in. Danny was obviously putting so much effort into whatever he had planned so I needed to turn up ready and looking nice. 'Wear your best dress' I remembered Danny saying earlier. I decided I needed to go buy something so I quickly turned around and headed back towards the nearest town. I pulled up at a parking space nearest to the mall as I could find. It was 5:20 so I had just over an hour to find a suitable outfit. I rushed out the car and headed straight to the mall entrance.

After an hour, I had looked around what seemed like hundreds of stores and tried on what seemed like thousands of dresses but I couldn't find anything like what I wanted. They were either too short, too long, the wrong colour, too over the top, too simple - nothing was right. I was beginning to give up after an hour of wandering hopelessly. I was running out of time and at this rate was going to end up going in the jeans and t-shirt I was in. I sighed as the big clock in the centre of the mall struck once to signal it was half past six. I sighed and turned around, giving up. I was gonna be late if I didn't leave soon. As I spun around to head back the way I had come, a big sign caught my eye:

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant