Chapter 34

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I just stood staring at Danny for a while, not able to move or talk. I didn't know what to do. Why the hell was he here? He had his gig tonight? He should be America. I figured I'd at least have another 24 hours to get my head around what had happened and think things through before Danny came back, but here he was stood in our driveway. It was Danny who broke the silence first.

"Jess? What are you doing out at this time at night?" he asked, completely avoiding what we were both thinking.

"What am I doing? What are you doing here? You have a once in a lifetime gig tonight! You should be in America!" I replied, changing the subject as I walked towards him.

"You really think I was gonna stay in America, half way around the world, while my relationship is falling to pieces? Do you not realise how much this means to me? How much you mean to me?" he questioned as tears spiked at his eyes but he quickly blinked them away.

"Oh, spare the sob story Danny. It can't mean that much if you're away for half a day and you're already onto another woman," I hissed as I pushed past him to the front door. I didn't wanna have this argument outside where everyone could watch us. I knew he was following me in as I could hear footsteps behind me. I walked in and through to the kitchen where I rested my head in my hands. I needed more time to think. I didn't know what to do. Seeing him again had caused butterflies in my stomach just like the first time we met, the first time I saw him, the first time we kissed but I hated him too. I hated him for the hurt he'd caused me, for his betrayal.

"Jessie, I promise you, I swear on my life, I would never ever cheat on you. I promised I wouldn't, I haven't and I never will," Danny said, putting his hands on my waist and spinning me round to face him. "Please let me explain. Go sit down and I'll make us both hot chocolates." I didn't say anything but I obeyed his instructions and walked through to the living room taking a seat on the sofa. I sat staring at wall, lost in my thoughts until Danny came in and handed me a hot chocolate before sitting down next to me.

"Right Jess I'm gonna be completely and utterly honest with you: no lies!" Danny started. "So basically there was this barmaid at the hotel bar who Mark, Glen and I were chatting and joking with when we first got to the hotel. Yes, there was a bit of harmless flirting but I didn't mean it like that but she obviously got the wrong impression and when we all went up to our hotel rooms, she followed me up and sneaked in. She went to the bathroom when I phoned you but I promise I was about to get rid of her." He grabbed both my hands and cupped them with his as he carried on speaking. "I love you more than anything Jessie: I always have and I always will. Please forgive me?"

Tears threatened my eyes at Danny's words. "I love you too - I'm sorry," I said as a smile spread across my face. I flung my arms around Danny's neck and pulled us together until our lips were joining.

"I was scared I'd never be able to kiss you again," Danny confessed as we pulled apart.

"Well you have nothing to be scared about," I replied connecting our lips again. We sat snuggled together for a while enjoying being together again.

"Listen Danny, you were completely honest with me so I need to be completely honest with you," I began, sitting up to face Danny again. "While I was round Holly's, Tom, Holly's cousin, was there and, well we, we kissed..."

"You what?" Danny raised his voice jumping away from me slightly.

"I was angry at you ok? I thought you cheated on me and he was there for me - it didn't mean anyth-" I said.

"No don't say that! I would never ever kiss another girl and you hated me when you though I did but it's perfectly fine for you to do it, isn't it?" Danny shouted, standing up.

"No Danny please - it was nothing!" I shouted back desperately trying to get him to understand but it was too late. Danny turned around and stormed out the room, out the house and slamming the door behind him.

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt