Chapter 5

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I woke the next morning feeling determined and positive although it was 5:30 in the morning. I hopped in the shower, tied my hair into a bun and threw on some leggings and a top just applying a little bit of make-up so I didn't look too horrendous. The only reason I didn't do myself up properly was because of the amazing make-up and wardrobe team The Voice had. I knew they'd do a far better job than I ever could so I thought I'd make the most of having them around for the next couple of months.  

I grabbed a cereal bar as I heard the driver outside honking the horn at me obviously telling me to hurry up. I had a busy day ahead of me so I probably should've had a better breakfast but I really didn't have any time. I hoped the driver might let me stop off at McDonalds at some point today - fingers crossed. I ran out the door, grabbing a coat and my bag on the way.

"Morning Jessie," the driver said, chirpily as I climbed in the back seat. "I'm Clive and I'll be your driver for today."

"Morning Clive! It's lovely to meet you," I replied, quickly doing my seatbelt up as we drove off on our way to The Voice Studios. That was the first stop for today to do a bit of early morning filming for the advert which is going on to TV in the next couple of weeks. Then we were off to Radio One to talk about the show and then over to Capital FM to talk about the show there too. Finally, to finish the day off we had a press conference about the show. It would be tiring and long but I was looking forward to it. With the guys around it was never boring.

We pulled up outside the studio and I climbed out thanking Clive. I was greeted by Moria and shown to the make-up and wardrobe room where the team took over. It was nice and relaxing to have someone else do everything for me for once. I don't have a stylist for everyday as I like to dress myself and look how I wanted to look so it was great to have a day off from the stress of what to wear and finding things that matched in my crazy, crowded wardrobe at home.

It didn't take them long to do my make-up as I wanted to keep it simple with a light smoky eye and some plain, black eyeliner and mascara. The hairdresser then took over and straightened my hair perfectly just giving the ends a gentle curl so it looked natural. It look amazing even if I do say so myself - I definitely couldn't have done it myself! Moria then took me over to wardrobe where she left me to decide what to wear for the day. There were thousands of different outfits in so many different styles but I wanted to keep it quite casual today as it's not as if it was a live show in front of millions of people - just a bit of filming and radio. I picked out some black skinny jeans, a cute top with Minnie Mouse on it and a leather jacket. I kept my black converse on as all the shoes had heels and I didn't really want to spend a long day in heels - my feet would kill by the time I got home!

I walked out and into the studios to find all the camera crew and producers setting up. None of the other coaches were there yet as I had arrived a bit earlier to have my hair and make-up done. It was always better to be early than late anyway. I sat chatting to a producer for 10 minutes when Tom and Will walked through the doors.

"Hey guys!" I called over to them.

"Hi Jess," they called back as they walked over to me.

"How are you both today?" I asked.

"We're good thanks," Tom answered. "And you?"

"Yeah, I'm great," I replied. With that Danny walked in and we had no more time to talk as the producers were swarming around us telling us where to stand and what to say and what to do. It was all quite crazy but great fun. Once the speaking and shots were done we got the first go spinning round in our chairs. It was really for filming but Will and I were so excited we were like little kids at Christmas. It was fun to start with but after we'd been spun around and around on the chairs for about an hour, I went all dizzy and felt all strange when I stood up.

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Where stories live. Discover now