Chapter 26

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"Pathetic little man," Holly cursed as she put the phone down on the sofa between us.

"Holly what have I done?" I sighed loudly, resting my head in my hands. First I'd put Danny in danger and now Holly could be in danger too?

"Jess none of this is your fault," Holly reassured me, stroking my hair gently trying to calm me down but nothing could stop the thoughts running through my head right now. Holly kept trying to lift me out of my sudden bad mood but nothing possibly could. I thought I had escaped all this bad stuff by taking a break with Danny and moving out but I could've just made things worse. I sat staring at the telly but I wasn't actually watching it. As the credits started to roll, signalling the end of Big Brother, I stood up and announced that I was going to go to bed.

"Jessica Cornish please don't get worried about this. It's going to be ok - I promise," Holly said, sternly noticing the worry that had taken over my face for the past hour since the call.

"I'll try - night Hols," I said, forcing a smile and blowing her a kiss before walking up the stairs and throwing myself on the bed. I had that tight knot in my stomach and a huge lump in my throat and a dread-filled body. I pulled on my pyjamas and brushed my teeth before climbing into the bed. I kept hearing the guy's voice over and over again: 'I'm coming after you and Jessie. Boss's order.'

I stayed awake for hours, tossing and turning just thinking and thinking, wide awake when a sudden wave of thought came over me and I dialled Danny' number. It rang and rang until the same voice from earlier picked up.

"Jessie, hello," he snarled down the phone.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" I hissed back not wanting to raise my voice too much in fear of waking Holly up.

"I want you my dear," he replied.

"So if I come and see you will you leave my friends alone?" I asked, realising just what I had to do.

"If you come here and stay here and don't snitch on me then of course I won't," the voice softened slightly and started acting a lot nicer.

"Ok, I'll be round in 15 minutes. What's your address?" I asked. I wrote scribbled it down on the piece of paper that was on my bedside table before hanging up. I can't believe I hadn't thought of this before! I dialled 999 and got directed through to the local police station and soon found myself speaking to the nice lady at the reception desk from a couple of days ago. I explained the situation quickly to her to refresh her memory before spilling about the phone call and his threatening before reading the address out to her. She thanked me before hanging the phone up.

Just as I put the phone down and started to snuggle down into bed again, the bedroom door opened and Holly's face peered around the door.

"Jess? Are you ok? I heard you talking," she said as she walked in and sat on the side of the bed.

"Yes I'm great!" I said, before explaining the story. I watched her face as it lit up as I explained what I'd done and when I got to the end of the story she flung her arms around me.

"Oh Jess! Well done!" she shrieked. She sat there for a couple of seconds before a devilish look appeared in her eyes. "Come on Jess! I have the best idea!"

"What? What is it?" I asked as she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of bed.

"Let's go watch!" she laughed as she through a coat at me whilst pulling one on herself. We both laughed as we ran to the car before heading to the address he had given me which was just a couple of roads away. We parked at the end of the road and just as we pulled up a police car came rushing past and whizzed into the road. Holly and I both looked at each other before laughing again.

"We got him good," Holly chuckled, making us both laugh even harder. We edged the car forward a little so we could see him struggling and trying to get away whilst the two policemen handcuffed his hands together behind his back. They shoved him into the back of the police car before driving towards us. As they drove past, Holly wound down the window and stuck her middle finger up at him. He obviously recognised us as his face turned red with anger and he clenched his teeth but Holly and I just laughed as we drove back home.

"Wow that felt good," I smiled as Holly unlocked the door and I stepped into the house.

"Damn right it did," Holly agreed. "Now you go get a few hours sleep before you need to be up for work in the morning."

I rushed up the stairs noticing the time as I did. 4am. I'd be lucky to get a couple of hours sleep before work but at least it had been a productive night and I couldn't wait to see Danny's face when I told him. Actually I just couldn't wait to see Danny. Even a night is too long to be apart from the one you love.

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin