Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning curled up on the sofa with Jackson snuggled up against me. I rubbed my eyes looking around as I remembered falling asleep while watching a movie with Danny last night. I picked up my phone and looked at the time through half-closed eyes. 6:30. So where was Danny? Had he left? When did he go? I stood up walking to the kitchen to make myself my useful morning cup of tea. I filled up the kettle as I spotted a post it note stuck to the work top. I flicked the kettle on and picked up the note smiling as I recognised Danny's writing.

Thank you for tonight Jess! 

You looked so adorable and  

peaceful while you were sleeping  

so I didn't want to wake you but  

I'll see you tomorrow:)

Danny xxxx

I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text back:

Sorry for falling asleep! Thank you for last night as well - it was great! See you later -Jess xxx

I put my phone back in my pocket and made myself a cup of tea before grabbing the biscuit tin and heading back into the lounge. I flicked the TV on to watch a bit of Daybreak while I ate some biscuits and drank my tea. There was nothing interesting going on in the world so I slurped up the last bit of my tea and headed upstairs. Today was the first day of auditions for The Voice and I was so excited! I hoped I could find some great editions to my team today. We were filming the auditions all this week and then rehearsing and the battles next week. It was going to be pretty full on and probably quite tiring but I was so ready for it! The wardrobe and make-up team had promised to get me ready again so I only had to shower and throw on some clothes. I didn't even have to have breakfast because there was a canteen at the studios that did the most amazing food!

Clive was coming to pick me up at 7:30 and it was 7:15 so I made myself another cup of tea and grabbed a Time Out from the cupboard. I frowned as I noticed it was the last one from the packet. I had become slightly obsessed with Time Outs over the last couple of weeks so I made a mental note to buy some more. I debated about ringing Holly quickly to tell her everything about last night but as it was her day off I decided not to as she would probably be in bed still and waking Holly up is not a clever thing to do. She definitely was not a morning person. Instead I went on my twitter and replied to a few fans before I heard the honk of a car horn outside. I logged out and grabbed my bag. I climbed into the car saying a quick good morning to Clive. Clive turned the volume up in the car as I recognised my own song coming from the speakers of the car.

"Oh god," I cringed as Clive started singing along to Price Tag.

"You don't like hearing your songs on the radio?" Clive asked.

"No, no, it's not like that. It's an honour to hear my songs being played but it's so cringey like do I sing along? Do I just smile? Do I ignore it?" I laughed.

"Hahaha, good point," Clive laughed back.

My phone beeped and I smiled at my phone as I read Danny's ':)' that he'd sent me.

"What's that big cheesy grin for?" Clive asked as he looked at me in his rear-view mirror. "Are you in love?"

"Maybe," I teased, winking at him as he pulled up outside the studios. I jumped out the car thanking him and running into the studio trying my best not to get papped in my trackies with no make-up on. I walked into the make-up and hair room where I was greeted by all the make-up artists and hairdressers. They were all so lovely and they instantly started fussing over me and talking about the different hairstyles and make-up techniques they had planned for the day. We decided on a plait and a simple smokey eye with a pink lip. Tom, Will and Danny strolled in about half an hour later just as the girls were finishing my hair.

"Morning Jess!" they all chimed as I got up to greet them.

"Morning guys!" I echoed, hugging them all in turn

"Ready for the first day of auditions?" Tom asked.

"Yes! I'm buzzing, you?" I exclaimed.

"Of course! Can't wait," Tom replied.

"Right Jessie, do you wanna come with me to wardrobe and we'll find you something to wear?" Sophie, one of the make-up girls, said to me.

"Yepp," I replied before turning to the boys. "I'll see you in a bit."

I followed Sophie through to wardrobe where I got introduced to Evie the wardrobe girl. We sat and discussed the kind of look I wanted to go for and then she pulled out three different outfits. She really had a great eye for style and I loved every single one of the outfits she had styled but in the end I went for the pale pink playsuit with matching kitten heels and my Jessie necklace I always wore.

I walked out after final make-up touches and the hairdressers spraying my hair with hairspray a bit more to keep it in the right position. We got giving the instructions even though we'd been over them so many times before. The producers, band and camera men got into position and the first auditionee came walking out.

"Hello Jessica, Danny - long time no see," the contestant said.

I was so confused. Why hadn't he said hello to Tom and Will? When had this guy seen me and Danny before? I looked over at Danny ignoring Will and Tom's confused looks. Danny had gone bright red and he was getting angry. I looked back at the man on the stage and finally recognised the man stood in front of me.


A/N hi guys! I'm so so so sorry for not updating over the last week. Half term was actually crazy busy and I didn't have time but I hope you've enjoyed this chapter! In case you have forgotten Jake was the guy in Tough Love who kept interfering with Jessie and Danny's relationship and kept hitting on Jessie. I hope you're still enjoying the story. Keep commenting and voting!

-Gemma xxx

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Where stories live. Discover now