Chapter 24

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"Jessie no." Danny argued, standing up.

"I can't let them hurt you, don't you understand?" I argued back, standing up too.

"We can't let them win. I'm not losing you because of them," Danny shouted walking away from me.

"Oh Danny," I sighed. "You won't lose me. You couldn't even if you tried." I walked up to him and cupping his head with my hands.

"Good because I never wanna lose you," he replied connecting our lips.

"I'll go stay at Holly's or Mum and Dad's for a while. We'll see each other every day at work anyway. We'll barely be apart. It won't be for long - just a week or so until this guy gets arrested or gives up on us. I can't risk hurting you again. Besides we can call and facetime and text," I said, embracing him in a hug: my head against his chest and his head on top of mine.

"Um, about that Jess. I dropped my phone in that guy's car. He'll probably be waiting for you to call. I'm sorry babe," he apologised.

"Oh well, it doesn't really matter. We'll see each other basically all day! It might do us good to have time apart anyway. After all they do say being apart makes the heart grow stronger," I waffled on, trying desperately to brighten the mood.

"I'll miss you," he whispered into my ear.

"You won't have a chance to - don't worry," I reassured him, placing a quick peck on his lips. "Anyway, smelly, go get in the shower or we'll be late."

"Yes ma'am," he laughed, curtsying before running into the bathroom leaving me giggling in the kitchen. I quickly put our plates and the frying pans in the dishwasher before rushing into the bedroom and pulling on a pair of leggings and a top. I pulled a suitcase down from the top of the wardrobe and threw a few outfits and my essentials into it. It was gonna be tough leaving Danny but we'd see each other every day even if we couldn't call or text each other it would only be for a couple of hours at night. I decided I'd talk to Holly at work about staying with her but I knew she had a spare bedroom so it wouldn't be a problem. Before I moved in with Danny I practically lived there anyway with the amount of sleepovers and girly nights we had. As I was zipping up my suitcase, Danny came back in the room with just a towel wrapped around his bottom half.

"Well this is a sight I'm gonna miss," I said cheekily, walking up to him and throwing my arms around his neck. He copied my actions by snaking his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Oi cheeky," he winked, placing a quick kiss on my forehead. "Now stop distracting me or we're gonna be late." He unwrapped his arms from my waist as he said that and pushing me onto the bed. I sat up and closed my suitcase sitting on it to make it shut. Even though I wouldn't be gone for long I still had a ton of stuff, most of it I probably didn't even need, but it was safer to take too much than not enough and risk being caught by the guy that was probably patrolling the house at that very moment.

"I'll be off now. If we're gonna make it look like we've broken up we wouldn't be leaving in the same car," I thought aloud.

"Good point - I'll see you at the studio in about 10 minutes," he replied, blowing me a kiss from the other side of the bed as he pulled on a t-shirt. I picked up my suitcase and dragged it out the door. It didn't have any wheels and was really heavy but I managed to get it in the car alright. It's not as if girls are incapable. I then called Jackson who came running out with, as usual, a toy in his mouth. He jumped up into the car excited to be on an adventure. I then grabbed Jackson's bed from the kitchen before shoving into the car and driving off.

I arrived at the studios just as Holly was getting out of her car. She spotted my car pulling in so stood outside the studio door to wait for me. I picked Jackson up and got out the car. It would be cruel to leave him in there all day. Holly gave me a confused look as I got out obviously wondering why I had Jackson and where Danny was.

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Where stories live. Discover now