Chapter 23

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"Jess!" he exclaimed seeing me walk through the door, a smile spreading across his face. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine but look at you! I can't believe he did this to you!" I gasped as he embraced me into a tight hug.

"It's not as bad as it looks," he said.

"Danny, you don't have to act big and tough - not around me," I said sensing that he just wanted to cry.

"I-I'm ok," he repeated forcing a smile.

"Don't argue with me O'Donoghue - you know I know you better than anyone else," I said placing a quick kiss on his cheek before grabbing his hand and leading him out of the police station. We got to the car and Danny insisted he'd drive but there was no way I was going to him, not in his state.

By the time we got home it was quite late as work at The Voice wasn't over until 8:30 and with hiding in the woods and going to the police station and getting questioned, it was now almost 11 o'clock. We didn't have much food in the house so we stopped and bought some chips from the chippy on the way home which we devoured in minutes. We were greeted by a confused but happy to see us Jackson when we got home. We made a fuss of him for a while, patting and stroking him while feeding him treats as he must've gotten quite confused with his sudden run in the woods and then me rushing out again afterwards.

"I'm going to bed now babe," Danny announced after a while, kissing the top of my head before walking into the bedroom.

"Ok, night night," I said blowing him a kiss as he walked off. I was pretty tired myself and we had another long day of filming and auditioning at The Voice the next day so I made two hot chocolates, one for me and one for Danny, and followed Danny to bed. I placed the hot chocolate on Danny's bedside table but he was already in a deep, deep sleep. Today must've been very stressful and tiring for him so no wonder he was exhausted. I drank my drink while following and replying to a few fans on twitter when I saw one tweet that made me smile.

'@JessieJ you and @TheScript_Danny would make such an adorable couple - please get married!' I read. Little did they know but at least they wouldn't be angry or send hate when we did decide to tell them like some fans of other bands and artists did. I put my mug down and turned my phone off before snuggling down into the duvet. I fell asleep almost immediately.


I woke up the next day with the sound of the alarm blaring in my ear. I groaned as I turned over to face Danny.

"No way is it time to get up already," I moaned.

"I'm afraid it is," he replied, flinging the duvet off himself and stretching. "Go get in the shower and I'll make breakfast."

"Ok, thank you," I yawned as he leaned over and kissed my nose. I led there for a while arguing with myself to get out of bed. Every morning I had the same thing. I hated getting up especially this early in the morning. I eventually dragged myself to the bathroom and got in the shower. At least I didn't have to bother with picking a suitable outfit or doing my hair and make-up as The Voice team did that. I could smell sausages cooking as I stepped out the shower and my stomach started to rumble. I quickly dried myself and pulled on my dressing gown before following the smell of sausages to the kitchen.

"Smells good," I said, sitting down at the table.

"Hopefully it tastes good too," Danny said, pulling the sausages out the oven and putting them on two plates with beans, bacon and eggs. We both tucked in straight away demolishing the food after only a small dinner of chips last night.

"How you feeling today my wounded solider? It looks so sore," I said, finishing up the last mouthful.

"It's alright - my eye really hurts but apart that I'm ok," he replied, reassuring me that he was fine.

"He'll be locked up now babe - he won't hurt you again," I said, holding his hands in mine.

"About that Jess..," Danny started. "There was another guy with Jake and he, he got away. The police are looking for him but haven't found him yet..."

"What? Why didn't you tell me? We can't stay here! He'll be coming for us! We need to get away!" I began to panic.

"I'm sorry babe. You were already so worried and stressed last night - I didn't wanna worry you anymore," he said.

"What are we gonna do?" I cried, resting my head in my hands.

"We'll be fine - he's after me not you," Danny said, walking round to crouch down next to me, rubbing circles on my back to comfort me.

"No Danny they're after me. They're only hurting you to get you away from me. If we weren't together they'd be happy," I sighed. I then realised I'd just answered my question and looked over at Danny.

"Jess, no way," Danny refused immediately.

"We have to Danny. I'm not letting them hurt you again. W-we'll have to break up," I said sadly.

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Where stories live. Discover now