Chapter 22

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My heart started to pound in my chest as panic took over my body. I had no idea what to do. Should I run? Should I try and save Danny? Do I call the police? Or will that make things worse? I dialled Danny's number it rang for a bit before I heard a voice I recognised.

"Jessie - we're just coming for you. Don't worry you and lover boy will be reunited in no time," he laughed evilly.

"Jake don't do this!" I shouted down the phone.

"Jess?! Run! I'll be ok," I heard Danny's voice shout out from a distance but he was silenced before he could say anymore.

"I told you I'd be back to get you and if you dare run away I swear I will find you again," he hissed before the line went dead. I quickly tucked my phone into my coat pocket, grabbed Jackson's lead before leading him out into the back garden. I had to get out of here. I'd call the cops when I was far enough away so they could save Danny. They'd be able to do a lot better than I ever could but for now I had to get out me and Jackson as far away from Jake as quickly as possible. I jumped over the fence at the bottom of the garden which leads to the woods. I picked Jackson up and pulled him over before we went running through the woods trying desperately to get as far away from the house as possible.

We ran for about 5 minutes until I couldn't possibly run anymore. I collapsed against a tree, desperately trying to catch my breath. The house or anything other than trees weren't anywhere in sight so I figured I was far enough away to be safe. I pulled out my phone and dialled 999. I explained what was happening and the address of the house. The lady on the phone promised they'd get there as soon as they could. I thanked her before hanging up. I sat there still leant against the tree not quite knowing what to do. I guessed I could do nothing but wait.

I sat there and sat there for what seemed like an eternity but according to my phone it was only a couple of minutes when suddenly my phone started to ring. Holly's name flashed up on the screen.

"Jess! Why didn't you say goodbye to me earlier? Rude girl," I heard Holly joke from the other end of the phone.

"Oh sorry - I just totally forgot," I apologised.

"Jessie? Are you alright?" she asked obviously sensing the worry and upset in my voice - she knew me too well.

"N-no, n-not really," I stuttered.

"Why? What's happened?" she asked so I told her all about Jake and how he'd gotten let out and then Danny wanting to 'punish him' and then the text and the phone call and me running into the woods.

"So I better go Holly - I'm waiting for a phone call from Danny or the police or whoever really," I said.

"Alright babe - stay safe. I'm always here - love ya," she said before hanging up. I sat staring at my phone desperately willing for it to light up with Danny's name. I wouldn't be able to ever forgive myself if he was hurt. It had been 10 minutes since I called the police now so I started to panic a bit. Shouldn't of they have got there by now? What if something's gone wrong? What if they were too late and Jake had already been and gone?

My legs started to shake as I imagined some awful scenarios in my mind. I stood up and started to walk in circles trying anything to think of something different when suddenly my phone started to ring. It was a blocked number but I picked it up anyway.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello - is this Jessica Cornish?" a woman's voice asked.

"Yeah, yes that's me," I replied.

"This is the police station. Danny O'Donoghue and Jake Watts are at the station - could you come down too? We need to question you on what has happened," the woman informed me.

"Yes, yes of course - I'll come down right now," I replied, grabbing Jackson's lead and running back through the woods towards the house. It took a while to get back but we got there eventually only taking a wrong turn a couple of times. I ran back through the back door and bent down to take Jackson's lead off his collar. I gave him a quick stroke before rushing out of the front door and climbing in the car. I noticed there was no damage to the house so I assumed the police had got there before Jake did - thank god. The police station was in the centre of the town which was only about 5 minutes away so it didn't take too long. I parked the car and rushed into the station.

"Hi, I'm Jessica Cornish - you called me about 15 minutes ago asking me to come down?" I said to the lady behind the reception desk.

"Yes - hi Jessica. If you would like to follow me and I'll take you into the questioning room," she replied, standing up and leading me to the room.

"Where's Danny? Can I see him?" I asked as I followed her down the corridor.

"He's being questioned in a different room - you will be able to see him afterwards," she informed me as she opened a door that we came to and gestured for me to go in before closing it behind me. Two scary looking men were sat one side of the desk and there was a single chair the other side obviously for me.

"Jessica - come take a seat," one of the men said. I followed his instructions and took a seat and then we got started. It wasn't as scary as I originally thought it would be. The two men asked the questions and I answered them. They weren't angry or scary as I thought they might be - they were actually really nice and tried their best to calm me down. It didn't take long as they only asked a few questions before asking to see the texts on my phone. They took pictures of the texts before letting me out.

"Thank you for your time Miss Cornish - what you told us will be very useful," one man said to me as a shook both their hands.

"It's no problem - I hope you realise what he's really like this time," I replied before walking back to the reception desk. The lady was on the phone but gestured for me to take a seat beside her which I did. I hope she wouldn't keep me here too much longer - I was desperate to see Danny. I needed to know that he was ok. She hung up not that long after and turned to speak to me.

"Do you still want to see your boyfriend?" she asked. "He's just through that corridor to the left."

"Thank you - thank you so much," I said a smile spreading across my face as I rushed down the corridor in the direction she showed me. I got to the first door on the left. Danny was sat with his back facing the door so I knocked gently before walking in so not to scare him. He turned around as he heard the knock and I gasped at the sight of him. His eyes were black and blue already - one of them so swollen he could barely see out of it. Cuts lined his jaw and there was a patch of hair missing where it had obviously been ripped out; his face tear stained where he'd been crying.

"Oh my god," I whispered under my breath at the sight of my beautiful boyfriend hurt, bruised and battered...

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Where stories live. Discover now