Chapter 17

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"How do your kisses always seem to make everything better?" I asked, pulling away from his lips.

"They must be magic kisses," he giggled before I re-joined our lips again. Suddenly Danny picked me up off the chair and carried me to the bedroom never pulling away from the kiss.  

He threw me onto the bed as we entered the bedroom and crawled up the bed towards me but I stopped him before we could get any further.

"Oi smelly! You need a shower," I giggled pushing him away.

"You're right - I do!" he said placing a quick, cheeky kiss on my lips before jumping off the bed and running into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I laughed at his childish ways as I heard the shower turn on. I got off the bed and walked back into the kitchen to finish eating the breakfast Danny had made while he was in the shower. I grabbed my phone from the table and texted my mum to let her know that I'd meet them at the hospital at 12. As I bit into the, now cold, piece of toast I noticed the time - 11:30! We had half an hour to get to the hospital! I hadn't realise it was that late - I must've been sleeping for ages.

I ran into the bedroom grabbing the hairbrush from the chest of drawers and sorting my hair out into a bun. It was only a hospital so I assumed that no one else would be very dressed up and as I had no make-up as I was only staying at Danny's and didn't have much of my own stuff I knew I probably looked horrendous. I grabbed an outfit out of Danny's wardrobe and threw them into the bathroom for Danny to get changed into.

"Danny - 2 minutes and we have to go!" I shouted rushing back through to the kitchen to feed Jackson before we left.

"Ok, ok," Danny called back coming out of the bathroom pulling his shirt on. "Where are my trainers?" I spotted his trainers at the back door and threw them round the corner at him before pulling on my own pair.

"Right - let's gooooo!" I said, patting Jackson quickly on the head before running towards the front door. Danny pulled the door behind us as we ran to the car and dived into the front seats.

"We made it!" Danny shrieked stretching his arms up in victory making me crease up laughing. He started the engine and we were off. It would take us 20 minutes to get to the hospital from Danny's house so we should be on time. As we approached the hospital, my stomach became a pit of nerves and the panic from earlier reappeared. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath to calm myself but my breaths had just become shaky. Danny pulled into a parking space and looked over at me. Noticing the paleness that had washed over my face, he took my hand in both of his, squeezing it tightly to reassure me that he was there for me.

"W-what am I doing? I can't do this," I said, shaking my head.

"Yes you can Jess. I'll be right next to you the whole time - come on sweetheart," he comforted, kissing my hand that he was holding. I took another deep breath and opened the car door stepping out. The cold air hit me straight away but it was quite nice as when I panicked I'd gotten all hot and wound up. I walked round the car to stand next to Danny who grabbed my hand immediately. I looked up to him and flashed him a small smile as a subtle thank you. He squeezed my hand again and led me towards the hospital. I spotted my mum and dad stood outside the hospital and they immediately came rushing towards me obviously noticing the worried look on my face.

"Are you ok Jess?" Mum asked as she pulled me into a tight hug. I nodded and looked at Danny to explain what had happened.

"Jessie's just a bit worried and scared," he explained as he shook my dad's hand.

"There's no need to be Jess. You don't have to do this if you don't want to," Mum said.

"I know but I want to," I replied taking Danny's hand again and following my parents into the hospital. They went to talk to the receptionist at the front desk and then led Danny and I through to the mortuary where we met the doctor that had been taking care of my Nan for the last few months. We greeted us all before leading us into the room. I gasped as I saw my Nan led on the bed. She looked so pale and ill but in a strange way she still looked so peaceful and calm. Mum and Dad sat one side of the bed and Danny and I sat the other. I held Nan's hand gently. It was cold but it was comforting to be able to see her and touch her again.

"I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye Nan," I spoke breaking the silence. "I really wish I could've but I hope your sprit is here with us right now so you can still hear me. I love you so much and I just wanna thank you for everything you've done for me. I remember playing cards and hide and seek when I was little with you while Mum and Dad were at work and all the fun we used to have in the few hours I was round your house and I promise you I won't ever ever forget those things. I love you Nan and I'll miss you so much. I'm sorry I couldn't be with you in your last few days but I really hope I'm making you proud."

I stopped and looked around the room before looking back at Nan, tears brimming in my eyes. "I-I'm sorry," I whispered standing up and rushing out of the room as the tears flowed from my eyes. I'd said what I needed to say and I wanted to get out of there now. It was hard seeing my Nan so lifeless and cold but I'd said goodbye now and I was glad I'd done it. I flopped into the chair outside the room and wiped my tears on my sleeve. I rested my hands over my eyes trying to not let anymore tears fall as I knew I shouldn't sad - Nan was in a better place now and I knew she'd be happier. I heard someone walk out of the room and sit on the seat next to me. I looked up to see Danny looking down at me.

"That was beautiful Jess - what you said in there. Your Nan would be so so proud of you and she loves you just as much as you love her," Danny said, pulling me in for a cuddle.

"I really hope so - I just wish I could talk to her," I confessed.

"I bet she wishes she could talk to you to," he replied. "I told your parents I'd take you for some lunch if you wanna. I guess you don't wanna go back in there?"

"No thanks," I answered. "Lunch sounds great." He stood up and pulled me up too.

"McDonalds?" he winked at me.

"You sure know me too well," I chuckled as we walked out the hospital and back to the car park. We got to the car and as Danny opened the door to let me climb into the car I grabbed hold of it shutting it again.

"How about one of your magic kisses first?" I hinted cheekily.

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Where stories live. Discover now