Chapter 27

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I woke up a couple of hours later, my alarm blaring in my ear. I hurried to turn it off before rubbing my eyes and allowing my head to flop back down onto the pillow. I did not want to get up at all. 2 hours sleep and a long day was not going to go well but I eventually dragged myself out of bed and into the shower. I pulled my onesie on not bothering to get dressed and walked downstairs to make breakfast. I could hear Holly moving around upstairs so I made us both a cup of tea and a couple of pieces of toast before giving Jackson his breakfast. My phone beeped as I finished my breakfast with a message from an unknown number.

'got a new phone! hope you're ok - see you in a bit. love you -Danny xxxx'

I typed out a quick 'love you too' message before stuffing my phone into my bag and dragging my suitcase out to the car. As we'd got the guy arrested I could now move back in with Danny. Holly rushed downstairs as she was running late as normally and stuffed the toast I had made herin her mouth while downing the tea before grabbing her bag and coat. I picked Jackson up and put him on the back seat before we set off to the studios.

We were early to the studios as Holly had to be there earlier again so I went to try and catch another 30 minutes of sleep before going to get my hair and make-up done. I pulled the blanket that was folded on the back of the sofa over me and tried to get comfy but I just couldn't. The sofa was one of those hard, leather ones and it was not the slightest bit comfy. After 20 minutes of struggling to sleep, I gave up and decided to do my own make-up for the day to kill 10 minutes until the make-up team would be in and ready. I started off with applying foundation to cover up a bit of my paleness before applying eyeliner and mascara. As I was finishing off with my make-up with some eye shadow, the door to my dressing room opened. I spun around in my chair as Danny entered the room carrying a bunch of red roses and big box.

"Happy anniversary!" he exclaimed, a huge smile spreading across his face.

"Crap," I cursed under my breath. How could I forget it had been a month since he'd ask me to be his girlfriend?

"Oh forgot did we?" Danny joked, handing me the roses.

"I'm sorry but these are gorgeous," I said, admiring the beautiful flowers.

"I'm so glad you like them," he said, leaning forward to kiss my forehead as he handed me the big box he was carrying.

"What's this?" I asked, taking the box and placing it on my lap.

"Open it and you'll see," he said, sitting on the chair next to me. I opened up the box to see dozens of cupcakes all beautifully decorated that spelt out 'See you at 7' with a winky face.

"7?" I asked, wondering what he was on about.

"It's a surprise - wear your best dress though," he replied. He knew how much surprises frustrated me. I was just a very nosy person and couldn't bear not knowing anything but he seemed to enjoy teasing me by planning as many surprises as possible. Although I knew there was no need to worry about a rubbish time as Danny always planned the amazing dates and always had even when we were only young high school lovers.

"Anyway, I have the best news in the whole entire universe!" I exclaimed, not being able to wait any longer to tell him.

"What's that?" Danny asked. So I explained the whole story starting with the phone call last night and him threatening Holly and ending with him being arrested. I watched as Danny listened so careful and his face lit up at the end. I finished the story but he didn't say anything. He just sat there with a huge grin on his face before forcefully pushing his lips against mine. Our tongues explored each other's mouths as the kiss got more and more passionate.

We eventually pulled away but Danny kept his hand on my cheek, stroking circles with his thumb. "I really do love you Jessica," he said.

"I really do love you too, Daniel," I echoed. He pecked my lips again before we were interrupted by a couple of the hair girls knocking on the door looking for us. We walked out the dressing room together but as we both went opposite ways along the corridor, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back placing a cheeky kiss on my temple before running down the corridor to catch up with the hair girl. God, I love him.

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Where stories live. Discover now