Chapter 3

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The next day I had a one off studio session with Claude as he was over in London for a week. I was so excited to see him again. It felt like ages since we'd last worked togetehr even though it was only a few months. I arrived at the studio at 9 just as planned but of course Claude was there before me. He always liked to be early for work. It showed how much passion and how dedicated he was to music and his work. I really admired him for that.

"Alright Jess?! How've you been?" he asked, as I walked through the door.

"I've been alright thanks. What about you?" I replied, taking a seat on the chair next to him.

"Yeah, yeah, I've been well," he answered. "And what's this about you being a new talent show coach, hey?"

"Hahaha, yeah, I can't wait."

"Really? What about you know who?" Claude asked. He knew everything about me and Danny. After all he was one of my best friends so I did tell him pratically everything.

"I dunno. He wants to talk but I don't think I'm ready," I admitted.

"I don't balme you, chick. Do what you wanna do. He was the one in the wrong - not you. Make sure you remember that."

"Thank you. I will."

The plan for the rest of the day was to write a killer tune that Claude already had a the beat for from our friend Dr Luke. It was sick and I could tell it would be a massive hit even though we had no lyrics for it yet. The beat was so strong and it was one you could really dance to and songs like that were very popular in the chart right now.

"What do you wanna write about today?" Claude asked, grabbing his pen and paper and turning to face me.

"I dunno. What going on in your life?" I asked. We always had this sort of discussion about our feelings and things before we wrote a song. It made it easier to find something to wirte about and to understand the emotion we would put in to the song. Our discussions are mainly the reason we have such a strong friendship. It would be awkward and not so open if we hated each other.

"To be honest, not that much. Mainly airports, studios and hotels," Claude laughed.

"Hahaha, honestly me too," I giggled.

"Well this is gonna be a great song," Claude joked, making us both erupt in fits of laughter.

We went a bit of track from that moment onwards. We decided that if we couldn't wirte a song we'd record vocal warmups as I needed to do them before I started singing anyway. We recorded my weird goat-singing warm-up first then moved on to my A-E-I-O-U mouth stretching. It was quite weird but it was great fun and hilarious. After half an hour we figured we needed to get back on track again so went on Youtube to listen to some stuff for inspiration. It started off well, listening to legends like Whitney and Mariah but somehow it then drifted of to Gangnam Style and Call Me Maybe and we ended up dancing around the studio singing into bananas and hairbrushes.

"I think we need some lunch after all that," Claude said, grabbing his car keys and walking out the door.

"Nandos here we come!" I cheered, following him out the door. We always ate Nandos when we were together as it was both our favourites. We got in his car still crazy and hyper singing and dancing along to the radio. Nandos was only like 2 minutes away so it didn't take long. We walked through the door but I stopped suddenly.

"Oh my god," I whispered, under my breath.

"Jessie? What's wrong?" Claude asked, coming to stand next to me looking around to try and spot what I was looking at.

"It's Danny. Come on we have to get out of here before he sees us," I panicked, heading back towards the door.

"Jessica Cornish. We're not eating somewhere just cause that idiot's in here. Come on," Claude said, grabbing my hand and pulling me back inside.

"Claude. No," I said firmly, wriggling free of his grasp and walking back towards the door but it was too late.

"Jessie?" I heard Danny call. "Jess?"

I ignored him and carried on twoards and out of the door. I turned the corner, heading back to Claude's car. I heard footsteps of someone running behind me but I refused to turn around.

"Jess, stop!" he shouted, grabbing my arm as he caught up with me.

"What? What do you want?" I shouted back.

"We can't go on like this. We're collegues, Jess, do you not get that?" he replied.

"Hey mate. I think it's best if you leave Jess alone," Claude instructed as he came running after us both.

"No, we need to talk. Jess knows it aswell," Danny stated.

"No, we don't. We don't need to talk. We don't have to talk. I don't want to talk to you," I shouted.

"Just leave, dude," Claude backed me up.

"You know what Jess? I thought you were better than this," Danny said sadly, before turning away and walking back up the street.

I didn't know how to react to that. It felt like I'd just been stabbed in the heart and I wanted to cry but it also made me so angry I wanted to punch and kick and scream until I had nothing left but it also felt good that I'd hurt him just like he hurt me. I had so many emotions, it made my head was spin.

"URGH!" I screamed, climbing back in to the car slamming the door. I held my head in my hands trying deperately not to cry. Why was everything so damn confusing?!

This Time: A Jessie J And Danny O'Donoghue Fanfiction (Sequel To Tough Love)Where stories live. Discover now