Chapter Thirty Four

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"The lovers, you are in a loving relationship," Magnus said as he flipped my first tarot card. "This man has a strong hold on you. You feel magnetic attraction to him that you cannot escape. Tonight will define your relationship. Oh. You hope he is your soul mate. But secrets revealed will threaten to tear you apart."

Suddenly a grey cat jumps in front of me scaring the shit out of me.

"You don't have a cat," I said.

Magnus looked at me as if I were mental.

"I have two," Magnus said. "Chairman Meow and Church."

"I'm not actually here for a reading," I said. "I know you're a warlock, Magnus. I'm a Shadowhunter."

Magnus laughed at my reply as if I were in the loopy bin. Oh no I must sound like Kiana.

"There are no more Shadowhunters. Haven't been for hundreds of years," Magnus said.

"I can prove it," I said standing up looking for my runes.

"All I see, you could use a serious tan," Magnus said.

"Right. Bad strategy. No runes in this dimension," I sighed. "I'm from an alternate reality."

"If that were true ... without an anchor, you'd be assimilating into this world," Magnus said.

"Believe me, I am trying to fight it," I scoffed. "Which is part of why I need your help."

I tossed my freshly drawn artwork in front of him.

"In my dimension, Shadowhunters still battle demons. And now there is something so much worse. I need your magic to help me stop it," I said.

"I can't help you," Magnus said. "My magic's gone dormant."

"Then wake it up," I scoffed.

Alec Lightwood

I looked around the whole institute for Lydia and I finally found her in the training room punching a bag.

"Lydia, can we talk," I ask.

I needed to get Kiana out of this mess.

"Is this where you tell me the engagement's off," Lydia asks.

I wish.

"What? No," I said.

"Why wouldn't you? I just set my sister and the girl you love into her own embarrassment," Lydia said. "And banishment." 

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