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Katherine walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. "I hope Jesy listened to me while I was gone. If she dare touches Jade, she's dead", she thought as the door opened. "KATHY!" "Jade...I missed you!" "Why'd you leave so early?", Jade asked. "A family member passed away. I'm ok though, you don't have to worry about me. Is anyone else here?" 'No. It's just me alone." She took Jade's hand and stepped inside. "How was California?", Katherine asked. "Cool. It was fun. We did concerts and everyone loved it and loves us being together. No haters or anything." As Jade talked they walked upstairs and into Jade's room. "It was fun though. I really did miss you", she said kissing Katherine. "Me too. Did anyone bother you while I was gone?" "Nope. Nothing happened." "Ok, I just want to make sure you ok. I want you to be safe ok? I'm only protecting my Jadey." She smiled and kissed Jade again. "So...have you been thinking about it?", she asked. "No. I don't want it to happen so quickly." "I understand. Whenever your ready, your ready. I'll wait, I promise." "Thank you."


"I wonder if Jade has feelings for me or something. We made out twice. I should ask her though." Jesy walked upstairs and knocked on Jade's door. "I'm getting dressed!", Jade said. "Can I still come in? We're all girls, we have the same body parts." "Fine but don't look ok?" She covered her eyes and stepped inside. "I'm not looking Jade." "I hope not. What do you need?" "I wanted to know something actually. You know when we went to the party?" "Yeah." " obviously know we kissed that night and the day after. D-do you like me Jade?" She opened her eyes and blushed seeing Jade in a bra. "Of course I like you. But as a friend. That's all Jesy." Her heart sunk, "As a friend?" "Yup, that's all." "But we literally made out twice! What do you mean as a friend!?", Jesy asked. "So? I made out with people more than that. It doesn't mean I like them." "What!? I-I can't believe you! Y-you make out with me and I told you I love you and now you say it meant nothing!? Don't be a fucking slut!" Jesy balled her fists and pushed Jade out the way then ran downstairs. "Hey Jesy, are you ok? I heard you a-." "I can't believe her! We made out twice and she has no feelings for me whatsoever! I TOLD HER I LOVE HER! I should've kept my mouth shut! Why did I fall for her!?" "What? I'm confused Perrie! Explain this to me!" "She doesn't have to explain. You should've figured it out already", Jade said walking downstairs. "I HATE YOU JADE!" "I DON'T CARE CAUSE I NEVER LOVED YOU!" The room got quiet and Jesy left.

"She's a slut. A fucking slut. I said I loved her for a reason." Jesy looked at the trees and heard someone calling her name. "JESY! I finally found you...thank god your ok", Perrie said. "Go away Perrie, please." "I know your heartbroken bu-." "HEARTBROKEN!? I'M FUCKING DEVASTATED! I don't want to see her face." "I didn't come chasing and looking for you for no reason. Please come home. You don't have to look at her or talk to her....please." They walked home and Jesy stepped inside to see Jade crying. "Jesy.." "Don't", she snapped and ran to her room then slammed the door. "Why is she so cruel? She broke my heart and I don't think it'll heal in a while. Love is hard, it's really hard", she thought as Jade appeared through the door. "Hi Jesy." "Hi." "I'm really sorry. I-." "Don't speak. Your killing me." Jade sat next to her, "I'm sorry. I just want you to hear me out. I really like you Jesy, I do but with Katherine in the way, we can't always do this." "Why not? It happened twice and everything was fine. But it doesn't matter cause you don't love me..." "But I do." Jesy felt Jade put her hand on her thigh and kissed her. She felt Jade kiss back as she raised her hand. The door shut as Jesy layed on Jade. "That was probably Perrie. She finally admitted she loves me. Fuck Katherine now. Jade doesn't need her, she has me and always will."

Jesy woke up in Jade's room and yawned. "Morning Jade", she said. "Good Morning." "Get dressed, I smell food." They got dressed and walked downstairs holding hands. "Well good morning love birds. How was it last night? I'm guessing it was good or amazing because all i heard was, uhh Jesy please don't stop or faster babe, faster", Perrie said laughing. She blushed and put her head down. "I'm only playing with you guys." "Well, if I kept you up, I'm glad I did. Thank god we have a break", Jesy said winking causing Jade to hide. "Did you guys a good sleep? I didn't. There were too many noises coming from JADE AND JESY!", Leigh yelled while raising her arms. "Did you guys get deodorant because LEIGH ANNES ARMS SMELL!" Everyone oohed and Leigh frowned. "So did you break up with Katherine?" "No. I'll tell her some other time. Jesy and I could always sneak." "Don't tell her at all. Let's go back upstairs." "Well we're going back upstairs. Adios!" They ran back upstairs and into Jesy's room. "Your a sneaky one aren't you?", Jade asked. Jesy pushed Jade against the door, "Maybe I am." She kissed her neck and sucked on it, leaving a mark. "That's enough Jesy. I don't want the fans and paps to see. Especially Katherine." "Oh yeah, I forgot. Sorry." "It's ok. You can kiss me again if you want." "With pleasure."

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