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"Jade still isn't getting better. What is wrong with her? Jesy isn't getting any sleep because she keeps waiting for Jade to get better... I feel bad." Perrie walked in Jade's room to find Jesy holding Jade's hand. She touched her shoulder and smiled. "W-why isn't she getting any better? The doctors are trying so hard...they need to find out what's wrong with her", Jesy said crying. "She's trying Jesy. It'll take some time." "I-I can't...I can't won't speak to me." "She's sleeping. Go home. I'll watch her ok?" She sat in the chair and heard the bed move. "Mmm....Perrie?", Jade croaked. "Jade. Your talking. How are you today?" Jade pointed to her throat and head then whimpered. "Oh, you can't really speak huh? Jesy went home, she needs some sleep. How are you feeling?" She raised up a thumb and struggled to sit up. "Do you need me to get a doctor?", Perrie asked. "Mhm." Perrie got back up and called a doctor in then watched him them feed Jade. "The medicine is still nasty? Why does it look and shitty?" "We'll be back to see you Jade", the doctor said. She walked towards the cup and smelled it. "Oh my god. I think I'm about to puke. This smells like shit. Eww....what kind of medicine is this!?", she asked. Jade shrugged and made a disgusted face. "I feel bad. What does it taste like?"

JADE: A mix of eggs, cheese and milk. Yucky. :P

"This three don't combine well. I should do some research. I have a bad feeling about this medicine..."

Perrie got out her laptop and started researching. "Medicines, medicines..hmm...", she mumbled. Jade made a hand movement and pointed to her stomach while groaning. "Does it hurt your stomach?", Perrie asked. "Mhm." "I should go ask what kind of medicine this is." "Go", Jade croaked while coughing. She took the bottle and walked to the nearest nurse. "Hello." "Hi friend, well your patient, is taking this medicine. What uis it called? What does it taste like?" "Read what it says. It's supposed to taste like berries cause her girlfriend told me that she hates nasty tasting medicines. Why?" "I think there's something wrong with this one. She told me it tastes like eggs, milk and cheese." The nurse took the bottle and smelled it. "Ugh. Fuck. It expired. I'm really sorry, we'll get a new bottle right away. We're sorry." Perrie walked back in the room and smiled at Jade smiling. "It expired Jade. The medicine expired. You'll get a fresh one and you'll get better. You can be your normal, happy self again!" She watched Jade clap and the doctor walked in with a new one. Jade drank the medicine and smiled. "Berries huh?" "Mhm." "Oh thank god. I'm really sorry Mrs. Thirlwall I hope you get better", the nurse said. The door closed and she took Jade's hand. "Well get some sleep. We'll see you tomorrow ok? Night Jade." "Night."


"I'm finally leaving the hospital today. I missed talking, I missed singing and I missed Jesy. Once I see her, I'll give her the kiss she missed in weeks." She started packing and waited outside the hospital. A taxi pulled up and she smiled at Jesy walking to her. "Jesy!" Jade jumped on her while giving her a kiss and ran her fingers through Jesy's hair. "You messed up my hair Jade. I did it over just for you", Jesy said laughing. "Sorry. I just really missed you." "I did too. You need me to get your bags?" "Yes, thank you." They walked back to the taxi and went home. "I wonder if I could sing again", Jade said playing with her throat. "I'm sure you sing fine." She stepped inside to find a 'Welcome Back' banner on the ceiling and Perrie and Leigh Anne jumping from behind a chair. "Wow guys. You got me a cake!?" "Welcome back Jade. I'm glad your healthy again", Leigh said hugging her. "Jesy! Can we cut the cake!?" "Do whatever you want with it." "In that case..." Jade laughed and smashed Jesy's face in the cake. Everyone oohed and laughed. "JADE!" "I love you Jesy." "It tastes good. Like me. How do I taste Jade?" She licked icing off Jesy's nose and licked her lips. "Delicious can I have more?" "You don't have to ask, just lick me again." "Shit, they're flirting...lets leave Leigh", Perrie said.

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