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"I don't have anger issues. I only get mad for certain things. She never knows,I could've had my period...." Jesy layed back in bed and crossed her arms. "Jesy, I uh....I made you breakfast. You wanna eat?", Jade asked. "Sure." She got up and walked downstairs. "Umm Jade?" "Yes?" "I'm sorry." "For what?" "For the way I acted the past couple of days. I don't believe I have anger issues but I'll try to calm down whenever I get upset or I just won't get angry at all." Jade wrapped her arms around Jesy's neck and gave her a kiss. "It's ok Jesy. C'mon. Eat. I didn't make all this food for nothing." "But I wanna kiss some more", Jesy whined while making a puppy face. "After we eat." Jesy Sat at the table and put her hand on Jade's thigh while smirking. "Jesy!" "You never said I couldn't tease you babe. I love you."

Jesy walked up to Jade and rubbed her arms. "Yes baby?", Jade asked. "You know what it is and what I want." "But I'm thinking about something." She took Jade's hand and made her stand up.  "You can think about it later." They walked into their room and she pushed Jade to the bed. "When did you take my place in being the cheeky one?" "Since I'm on the top." She pulled her shirt off her and started kissing Jade. "Jade. Why aren't you doing anything?", Jesy whined. Jade dug her fingernails in Jesy's back and took off her shirt. "Jess..." "Stop interrupting Jade." "Jesy...w-will you marry me?" Jesy sat up and Jade did as well. "What?" "Will you Jesy? I-I've been thinking about it for a while. I asked your mom and my mom and I want to marry you now. Will you?" "Y-yes. I will. Are you doing this...i-is this real?" "Yes Jesy. This is real. I-I don't have a ring..." "I'll buy it for you. I love you Jade. I'll never leave you and I'll keep you by my side at all times." She kissed Jade's forehead and smiled. "Engaged. That's what we are. Engaged."

"Jesy bought the rings a couple days after and gave it to me." She set up her laptop and went on Twitter. "Hey Jade! Come!", Jesy said. "Yes?" "It's all over Twitter. They have pictures of the ring. People want to know if we're engaged." "Well tell them we are." She typed: 'Hello Mixers! I know you guys are concerned about the ring. Well the rumours are true. Jade and I are engaged. How do you like the sound of 'Engaged Jadesy?'- xoxJesyxox. "I hope people accept this idea", Jade said and sat on Jesy's lap. "All that matters is that I accept this idea. It's nice to call you my fiance'." There was a knock on the door and she got up to answer it. "CONGRATS!" "Mom, Mrs. Thirlwall! Why are you here!?" "We came to say hello to both of you. Here's some flowers." Jesy took the flowers, "Thank you." "Mommy!", Jade said running to her mom then hugging her. "Are you taking care of my daughter Jesy?" "I am. I'm taking good care of her." She pecked Jade's lips and took her hand. "Aww. So Norma and I would cook for you two and you can sit, rest, cuddle, do whatever you youngsters do now but just not...what your supposed to do upstairs." Jesy rolled her eyes and Jade jumped up and down. "Movie time Jesy!?" "Yes Jadey." Jade put in a movie and jumped on Jesy. "Movie time with my fiance', I think I'm liking this."


"Sneaking around to kiss Leigh is actually kinda fun. But I feel like I'm forgetting one person." Perrie felt Leigh Anne stop kissing her and pulled away. "What's wrong? What did I do?", Perrie asked. "Nothing." She tried to kiss Leigh Anne again but she pulled back. "What now?" "What are we Perrie? I'm still waiting. Are you gay or not?" "Leigh Anne....." "I want an answer Perrie. Now." "But I-I..." "Your using me. You just need someone to kiss since you don't have Jacob. I told you about my feelings and you-you mess with my heart?", Leigh said crying. "No! Wait, bu-." "I can't believe myself.  Goodbye Perrie." "B-." The door slammed and Perrie sighed. "Look at what you got yourself into Perrie. Nice job. You really deserve a pat on the back for breaking a girls' heart. Again", she thought.
PERRIE: Hey, it's been a while.
JACOB<3: I've been busy. How r u?
PERRIE: Tired. We have 2 interviews and another photo shoot.
JACOB<3: When the picture comes, I'll stare at you! :P

"Leigh probably won't."


"Cher Lloyd, Demi Lovato, Simon Cowell, Tulisa C-." "Jade, why are we inviting all these people to our wedding?", Jesy asked. "We know them and I want them to come. Write this down." Jade smiled as her mom walked out smiling. "Look at you two work together. It's cute", mom said. "We get along mom. Why do you think we got this far in life?" "Your right. Food is finished." "Thank you. Can I feed you babe?" "If you want but keep writing the people we're inviting." She sighed and put her hand on Jesy's knee. "We have to pick out the cake, flowers, where we'll get married, who we'll invite, buy our dress...there is so much to do. Then we have our honeymoon and the food after the wedding", Jesy said. "I know. THere's so much to do." She wrapped her legs around Jesy's waist, "How about we take a break and do something else?" "But I ha-." She kissed her and Jesy held Jade's waist. "Break time Jess. Just...don't take it too far. Our parents are here."

1 Week Later...

"This is so tiring. Jesy and I aren't getting much sleep and she looks frustrated. Maybe we should take a break from this. Knowing Jesy has anger issues, I don't want her to yell at me and everything gets ruined." Jade took the pen away from Jesy and turned her around. "Take a break Jess. Your tired", Jade said kissing her. Jesy tried to kiss back but yawned instead. "I have to finish this, I'll go to sleep later." She took the papers away from Jesy and took her hand, leading her to their bedroom. "Go. To. Sleep." "Fine." She walked back downstairs and ran into her mother. "Where's Jesy?", mom asked. "Sleeping. When are you leaving?" "3 days. Are you sure you want to marry her?" "Mom, this is the right decision for me. I want to do this, I'm in love with her mom, deeply." "I just want you to be happy. Are you sure Jesy's the one?" Jade frowned, "Of course she's the one. I had a crush on her since day one. I'm happy with her. Why are you asking me this?" "I'm trying to protect you." "Well I don't need protection! Jesy's the one for me and I'm marring her and if you don't accept that, don't come to the wedding!" She ran upstairs and slammed the door while sighing.

Jade walked downstairs to find Jesy eating and smiled. "Good morning sexy", Jesy said. "Morning." "Breakfast is on the table." "Thanks." She sat in front of Jesy and took a bite of her toast. "So, I heard you had a crush on me since X-Factor." She choked and spit out her food. "You heard that!?" "Why didn't you tell me?" "I-I thought you were straight." "Turns out, I'm not." She blushed, "Where's my mom?" "She left early. I don't know why." "Oh. So your mom is still here?" "Pretty much. We have to start working again today." "I know." "Get ready babe." "I hope Jesy didn't hear the conversation between my mom and I. I don't know how she'll react to it. Maybe she heard and is staying calm like I told her too", she thought while staring at Jesy. "Your curves are beautiful", Jade said. "Yours too. Get a pen and paper. wHat colour should the flowers be?" "Blue lilies!" "I was thinking white and red roses." "How about all of them all together?" "Sure. Too bad your mom isn't here to help." "Yeah..too bad."

Jade knocked on her mom's door and looked at her watch. The door opened, "Hey Jade. What brings you here?" "I'm sorry. I don't know why you'll ask me these questions but I'm sorry." "Apology accepted." "You wanna help me find a dress? Mother and daughter?" "I'd love to." They went to 'Elleuk' and looked around. "Hello welcome to Elleuk. How may I help you?" "HI, we're looking for wedding dresses." "Over there to your left." She walked over and smiled. "How about this one?", mom asked. "I'm thinking more of this one." She pulled out a white long dress with lace around it and a couple of pearls at the top and smiled. "Go try it on," Jade quickly put on the dress and walked out to find her mom crying. "Aww mom, don't cry. Please, don't cry", Jade said hugging her. "You look so beautiful. My baby's growing up so fast." "Stop crying. This isn't the real wedding." "I know, I'm sorry." "Hold on, Jesy's calling me."
JESY: Babe, where are you? I've been worried sick.
JADE: With my mom. I'll be home soon.
JESY: Be safe. I love you.
JADE: I love you too, bye.

She hung up and her mom smiled. "She really cares about you." "She really does mom."

*I know, I'm sorry, I've been a bitch and lazy. But i updated today!!!

Well, this book is almost over soon.

Then I'll move on the my other book, 'Learning to Love'



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