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"She can't tell me who I can hang out with. She won't believe me when I say Katherine changed." Jade left the house and went to Katherine's house. She knocked on the door until Katherine opened it. "Jade, do you know what time it is?" "If I didn't, I wouldn't be here. Can I come in?" "Sure." She stepped inside and looked around. "Why are you here?", Katherine asked. "To hang out with you. Don't you want that?" "Not so early in the morning." "Then I'll leave..." "No. Stay. I need some company." She smirked and jumped on her back. "Ah Jade! NO! I'M WEAK!" "Your shaking Katherine!" "I'M GONNA FUCKING FALL!" Katherine fell on the floor with Jade on her. "Katherine....s-sorry." "Stay like this. It's comfortable. You wanna watch a movie?" "I guess." Jade got up along with Katherine and sat in the couch as she put the movie in. Katherine turned off the lights and sat next to Jade. "Does Jesy know your here?" "No and she'll never know."

Jade hugged Katherine then smiled. "Are you coming over tomorrow?", Katherine asked. "Yeah. I had fun today." "Me too. Bye!" "Bye!" She took a taxi home and took out her keys, opening the door. "Jade? IS that you?", Jesy asked. "Yeah. Hi baby." "Where the hell were you? I woke up this morning to find you not next to me. Where did you go?" "I just went out for a walk." "For three hours!?" "I lost track of time. I'm sorry Jess." "It's ok. Just...don't do it again please. You scared me." Jesy gave her a kiss, "I made you breakfast. Warm it up it's probably cold now." She kissed Jesy's cheek and hugged her. "Are you mad at me?", Jade asked. "No. I just want you to be safe ok? Leigh and Perrie are coming soon so eat up. We're having a little girl's night. I'll be in the shower if you need me." "Ok."


JADE: Yea.

KATHERINE: Ok, makin sure. C u 2morrow rght?

JADE: Yeah. I'll be there @5. I have an interview 2morrow.

KATHERINE: Kk, stay safe.

"Stay safe. Yup, Katherine changed."


"Girls night with Jade and Jesy.....and actually fun. We started with some silly board games and snacks. I wonder what's happening next." Perrie gasped when Leigh Anne's hand was running up her thigh and bit her lip. "Stop it Leigh", she whispered. "But I wanna kiss." "Stop. Now." Leigh Anne whimpered and she stared at Jesy and Jade. "Hey guys, put the movie in. Leigh Anne and I have to unpack." "Ok. I'm putting in a scary movie", Jesy said. "No Jesy!" She took Leigh Anne's hand and ran upstairs then closed the door. "You can't control yourself can you?" "No and you always listen to me Pez. That's what I love about you." Leigh Anne pushed Perrie against the door and started kissing her to feel her kiss back. Perrie felt Leigh Anne's tongue slip inside and did the same, roaming inside her mouth. She groaned as Leigh Anne put a hand up the back of her shirt. "I know where this is going. I want it too but we can't", she thought and pulled away, gasping for air. "Why'd you stop?", Leigh asked. "You were taking it too far. Let's go back." They walked back downstairs and Jade stared at them. "Well that took you forever", Jade said laughing. "We had a lot of clothes." "You only have two outfits. Nice try Perrie. So how was it?" "Good." "You liar. You groaned so I guess it was better than good." Perrie covered her face, "Fucking shit, no." "Don't whine baby, we'll just give them an even better show."

 "I didn't sleep at all last night", Perrie said sitting in front of Jesy. "Jade wouldn't stop kicking and moving. Maybe we shouldn't have watched a scary movie. My ass hurts..." Perrie laughed and took a sip of her tea. "There's something up with Jade though", Jesy said. "How?" "She left early yesterday morning while I was still sleeping. Isn't that weird of her?" "I guess." She looked down and felt a pair of arms around her stomach. "Good morning babe", Leigh said. "Good morning to you too." "How'd you sleep?" "Fine I guess. You?" "Like a baby. Can I get a kiss? A proper one?" She gave Leigh Anne and kiss and bit her lip. "Hello? I'm still here you know", Jesy said laughing. "Sorry. Where's Jade?" "On her phone. She's been on it all morning when I woke up." Perrie stared at Jesy who sighed and walked upstairs. "Poor Jesy. Jade's acting weird to her", Perrie said. Leigh Anne kissed her ear, "They'll work on it. Can I take you on a date after the interview?" 'But nobody knows about us yet." "I'll find a way. Please say yes." "Fine. I'll do it. Under one condition." "What is it?" "Book a hotel room. Please."


Katherine stared at Jade and put an arm around her. "You know, I love you song 'Salute'", Katherine said smiling. "I like it too." "Can you sing it for me?" "Not today. Be right back, Jesy's calling me." "Ok." She looked at Jade talking on the phone and blushed. "She's still the beautiful girl I dated. Even if she's married. I really love her", she thought as Jade sat back next to her. "Jesy told me she's gonna be back home in four hours. She expects me to be home before her", Jade said. Katherine held Jade's hand, "I love you Jade." "....Kathy." "No. I love you and you know how much I do. Your the only person I'll love. I try to go on dates with other people but I only think of you. I though you'll love me back before you married Jesy. I wish our love was real a true." There was a silence in the room except for the sound on the tv and Katherine blushed again. "Katherine...that was really sweet but I can't love you like you love me." She sighed and kissed Jade's forehead then sadly walked upstairs.

"Jade hasn't been coming over since my speech. Maybe I should give up on love and stay single forever while she's in her happy married life." Katherine buried her head in the couch and kept lowering and raising the volume on the tv. There was a knock on the door and she sighed. "IT'S OPENED!", Katherine yelled. "Katherine? Are you ok?" She looked up, "Oh. Hi Jade. I'm fine." "I uh....I wanted to see you before we leave." "Where are you going?" "The group and I are going to Tokyo for a month. We're leaving tomorrow night." She walked up to Jade and gave her a hug. "I'll miss you", she said. "Me too." "Can you video chat me when you can?" 'I can promise you that. Let's watch a movie!" Katherine put in a movie and sat next to Jade as they cuddled. "I wish this could be a regular thing if we're dating. Just cuddling, wishing it was kissing and watching movies all day. I'm in love with this girl and one day she'll be in love withe me. Just one day."

"Jadey. Jadey wake up." " Stop Jesy." "Umm this is Katherine actually." "Oh. Stop K-KATHERINE!? FUCK! What time is it!?", Jade asked. "6 in the morning." "I overslept! Jesy's gonna kill me! I have to go!" "Wait, let me take you home. It's still kinda dark, I don't want you getting hurt." "Fine." Katherine went in her car with Jade and started driving. She drove to Jade's house and found Jesy waiting on the steps. "Shit. Jesy's outside." They stepped outside and Jesy walked towards them. Jesy pushed Katherine, "Didn't I tell you to stay away from her!?" "It wasn't my fault! Your lucky she's home! A thank you would've been nice." "What the hell were you doing with her!?", Jesy asked. "I-I-." "Fuck off Jesy", Katherine said pushing her. "Don't touch me!" Jesy punched Katherine in the stomach and she grunted. "Jesy, Katherine! Stop!", Jade said. Katherine kicked Jesy's leg and pushed her into a car. Before Jesy could get Katherine, she heard a loud smack. "Oh shit. Little Jadey just smacked Jesy."


Jesy put a hand on her cheek as Jade started crying. "J-Jade..." "I don't know what's been going on with you. You can't tell me who I can or can't hang out with. When I say Katherine changed, I mean it. I don't know why you can't believe me. Katherine and I hung out for the past couple days and there's nothing wrong with that Jesy. You know I love you but right now....I just don't know. I'm taking a separate plane tomorrow. C'mon Katherine, let's go", Jade said getting back in the car. "JADE! WAIT!" She sighed as the car drove off and stepped inside the house. "She's taking a separate plane because of me. What's going on with this relationship?", she thought as she cried harder.

PERRIE: Hey Jesy. We're almost at ur plc.

JESY: Oh. I have something 2 tell u guys when u get there.

PERRIE: R u ok? How's Jade?

Jesy looked up from her phone after reading the name. "Jade. I can't take this anymore. I need this one person now. That person is Jade."

*Well, I had time to post another chapter.

I had such a good day; it's been a wonderful day.

I feel like I have no life I have a life you guys?



Love is Hard (A Little Mix Fan-Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن