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Jesy buried her face in her pillow and cried some more. "She said no. Now what am I supposed to do with the ring?" "C'mon Jesy, get out of bed!" "GO AWAY!" "Jesy, look at me", Perrie said. She sat up, "I don't want to talk to anybody. Please go away. I don't want to talk about yesterday. I want to be alone." "Your heartbroken Jesy. You have to move on though. You can wait years from now to propose to her and maybe she'll say yes." "What am I gonna do with the ring? Now I have to tell my family that she said no." "Keep it. I'll call management today ok?" "Yeah, sure." She looked at the ring as the door closed and looked at her phone. "I love you Jade. You broke my heart. Now what to do?", she thought as there was a knock on the door. She opened it, "Hi Ja-." Jade pushed Jesy to the wall and started kissing her. She kissed back while Jade wrapped her legs around Jesy's waist. They pulled apart, "Jesy...I'm so sorry. I love you so much." "Why'd you say no?" "I-I was never thinking about marriage. I love you but I just can't marry you." "Why can't you? We would've been fine." "When I was dating Katherine, I secretly made out with you, I lost my virginity to you, I went public with you but I can't marry you. Enough is enough already Jesy." She put Jade down and ran outside. She walked to the nearest park and found a pond. "Enough is enough Jade. So you know what? Forget about this fucking ring I bought you", she thought. Jesy took the ring from her pocket and threw it in the pond then started crying again.

Jesy walked back to the hotel and opened the door. "Jesy, your back", Leigh said. "Yeah. Where's Perrie?" "She's sharing the room with Jade now. It's you and me." "Oh. I see." "How are you holding up?" "I don't know. Pretty bad I guess." She sat next to Leigh and blinked a couple of times. "I met a guy. His name is Josh...wanna see a picture?" "Sure." She looked at the picture, "Did he ask you out?" "Not yet. I want him to though. He's something." "Then kiss him and one day he'll ask to marry you", she said frowning. Leigh shook her head and wiped away Jesy's tears. "Don't cry. It's gonna happen another day." "I already threw out the ring." "What!?" "I threw it in a pond. There was no use in keeping it and I couldn't take it back so it's gone." "Wow Jesy. I can't believe you'll do that." "I need to get my suitcase." She walked to the other room and knocked on the door. Perrie opened it, "Umm...Jesy. I don't think it's the best time for you to come inside." "Why?", Jesy asked. "Well...Jade isn't really happy. I think you should leave." Jesy peeked inside to find Jade crying on a bed and sighed. "Can I at least get my suitcase?", she whispered. "We'll send it to you later ok? We'll see you later. Bye Jesy." "I need to talk to Jade...she looked really upset. I also need to get that ring back."


"How is she?", Leigh whispered. "She wakes up really happy thinking Jesy's here but when she finds out she's not here, she gets upset." "Perrie, where's Jesy?", Jade asked. "In the other room." "Can I see her?" Perrie looked at Leigh then took Jade's hand. "I have to come with you though." They walked to the other room and knocked. The door opened, "Hi." "Jesy, Jade wants to talk to you." "Not now, I'm kinda in the middle of something", she said. "Please Jesy. Just listen to this." "Jesy. I love you, a lot and you obviously know that but if we got married who knows what'll happen in the future? I think it's better for us to date. I don't know if your parents are upset but I know you are and I don't want you to be. We're still dating, so you can be the happy person I know. I just wanted you to know that", Jade said then kissed Jesy's cheek. She watched Jade walk away and stared at Jesy. "Well, what do you think of the speech?", Perrie asked. "Tell her I love her Perrie. She doesn't deserve somebody like me if I keep breaking her heart. She doesn't need me Perrie." "She does Jesy. Go get her Jesy. Go get your girlfriend." "Thank you Perrie." "Hurry up!" She smiled at Jesy running and laughed. "They always have their problems but I always know how to fix it."


Jade stood on the bridge in the park and stared at the ducks swimming then smiled. "They're so cute...they remind me of Jesy and I...or what we used to be. I want to kiss her so bad. It's been long enough." She moved closer and stretched out her neck. "It's kinda cold..I should've brought my jacket. That duck is adorable!" The duck started waddling towards her and she squatted to pet it. "I think I'm gonna name you Quack", she said laughing. Quack waddled away and Jade fell over the bridge. "JADE!" She fell in the water and gasped. "Oh my god! Help me! Somebody, help!", she thought. Her foot got caught by rocks as she tried to pull it from underneath. "Oh my god! HELP!" Her vision got blurry and everything went black.

10 Minutes Later....

"C'mon Jade, wake up already. I can't lose you!" Jade woke up to find a soft pair of lips on hers and started coughing up water. "Ugh...J-Jesy?", she asked coughing. "Thank god your ok! Are you cold!?" "Y-yea." "Here, take my jacket. I'll take you back to the hotel." "Jesy...." "Yes?" "I love you." "I love you too Jade."

Jade woke up to the smell of tea and hot chocolate then squinted. "Jesy?", she asked. "Good morning Jade. How are you feeling?" "My head hurts, my throat hurts, I'm cold and tired. What happened to me?" "You fell over a bridge and into the water. I went in to save you." She smiled and Jesy touched her forehead. "Your hot", Jesy said. "Why thank you." "No silly, you have a fever. You have to stay in bed." "But I don't wanna stay in bed." "Do you want to get better?" "Yeah." "That's what I thought. I'll get you something to eat. Stay right there." The door closed and Jade turned on the tv. "I hope she gets me a donut or a cookie. I don't want to stay in bed. I want to explore and walk around", she thought as her phone buzzed.

JESY: Dn't move babe. I have eyes behind my back. xoxo

Jade laughed and texted back.

JADE: I'm sure u do. I promise I won't move. I'll b waitin 4 u! :* <3

JESY: Cheeky much?

JADE: Not as cheeky as you babe. Not as cheeky as u.

"I don't think I'm getting better. I'm losing my voice and we had to cancel the World Tour and go back home. Everyone's trying their best to make me feel better but nothings working." "C'mon Jadey. Please feel better today", Jesy pleaded. Jade shook her head and whimpered. "Why aren't you feeling any better? I'm worried Jade, I'm really worried. I'm trying really hard. What's wrong?" She pointed to her head, stomach, mouth and chest. "That much hurts?", she asked. "Mhm." The doorbell rang and Jesy walked over to answer it. "Is she ok?", Perrie asked walking in. "She's getting better..." "Hi Jade. How are you feeling today? I got you a teddy bear, balloons and a card. I hope you like it." She smiled an mouthed a 'Thank you". "Your welcome. Leigh Anne is coming soon." She felt her stomach twist and turn then ran into the bathroom and started vomiting in the toilet. "What the hell is happening to me? I never got this sick before!", she thought as Jesy ran in the bathroom. "Jade, your not ok. I'm taking you to the hospital. Now." She nodded and struggled to get up. "How come everything always happens to me? This is all Quack's fault." They called a cab to the hospital and walked inside. "Hello ma'am. Who are you here for?" "Nobody. My girlfriend is sick and I think she needs to be hospitalized. She just started vomiting and I don't think she's done." Jade started swaying side to side and threw up again. "Oh. I see. We'll get you a room." "Ungh..", Jade moaned. "Don't worry babe. We're getting you a room."

*Sorry I didn't update in a while. I've been so busy and so many things have been happening but here you are. Another chapter.*

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