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"Are you sure this will work?" Sasuke asked, looking at me. He cast an illusion to disguise himself as Gai. I nodded, and Sakura came out, diguised as me. Naruto followed, looking like Iruka. I held back a laugh. I had Sasuke and Naruto lock arms with Sakura. I sent out illusions of the kids training, and I made myself look like Sakura. I went out, and began training with my illusions. Meanwhile, Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke came out from the tree line, disguised as Gai, Iruka and myself.
"Gai-sama, you're so funny," Sakura said with my voice.
"Emari-chan, you're too kind to him," Naruto said, with Iruka's voice.
"Iruka, just because she likes me best, doesn't mean you have to pout about it," Sasuke said like Gai.
"Emari-chan, who's better? Me or Gai?" Naruto asked, as Iruka. Sakura was doing good so far.
"Well, you're both pretty good....." She said with my voice.
"Yes, but.......?" Sasuke edged her on.
"Well you both good, at different things," she began. Kakashi looked away from his book, and did a quick double take at the scene before him.
"I'm good at regular romance," Sasuke said, kissing Sakura's hand.
"But I'm better, at home......." Naruto said. Things were getting a bit out of hand. Suddenly Sasuke and Naruto kissed Sakura at the same time. I twitched, and Kakashi was there in a split second. He picked up Sasuke an Naruto by their collars.
"You......You said she wasn't to be trusted, and told me to get over my 'silly little crush', when you were after her this whole time! You, you annoy me like there's no tomorrow! Now, are you going after her, to get under my skin? If so, you did! Now, be prepared for the ass kicking of a damn lifetime!" Kakashi snarled. The air was heavy with doom. I dropped my illusion, suck up behind him, and jumped on Kakashi's back. He turned, and when he saw me, he looked at Sakura, then me again. He dropped Sasuke and Naruto, who then turned back into their normals selves. Naruto was laughing hysterically, while Sasuke smiled faintly. Sakura turned back into herself, and Kakashi glared at them.
"What just happened?" He cried.
"I pulled a little joke on you," I said smiling. He put a Han to his head, and flipped me over his shoulder. I tried to get out of his grasp, but he pinned me to a tree, by lining every edge of me, with kunais.
"See kids, never try this alone," I said to Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke. Thy seemed to be having fun. Kakashi began to walk away, then he undid my headband, and put it tightly over my mouth.
"Back to regular training!" He called. Sakura giggled, slightly and Naruto had tears in his eyes. The three went on with training as usual.

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