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Shikamaru looked at the scene that had just played out before him. What a drag, now I have to rescue someone.....He got up, and went behind a nearby tree. He followed the guy, who had abducted Emari. How could she let herself be caught like that? I thought she was smarter than that..........He'd been laying down, and watching this clouds, when he'd heard something near by. He'd come to find Emari fighting with a guy, from the Chunin exams, Kabuto. Emari hadn't paid any attention to below her, only what was right in front of her. Shikamaru sent out his Shadow jutsu, and he made Kabuto stop. He walked towards Kabuto, and Kabuto tuned to him.
"Stop me, I dare you," he said, calmly. Shikamaru made Kabuto drop Emari. Emari isn't moving, and by the snakes around her legs, she's been paralyzed, he realized. Suddenly Kubuto poofed in a burst of smoke. What a drag........ Shikamaru turned around, to find himself face to face with Kabuto.
"Now, extermination, or you one quietly?" He asked. Shikamaru sighed, and came quietly. Kabuto picked Emari back up, and started walking again. At least now I am think up a plan, Shikamaru thought.

Kakashi went to the front gates of the village.
"Has anyone passed through here?" He called up at the guards. Emari had disappeared.
"Only that girl, Emari, was it?" One replied. Akakashi sighed, and thanked them. On his way back, he saw something on the ground. He crouched down, and touches the red liquid with his fingers. He brought it to his nose, and he grew worried. He searched the area, and found a patch of messed up grass, and signs of a fight. He knelt down, and looked closely at the patch of grass. Peices were torn up, drops of blood here and there, and.....a single brown hair. Kakashi grew deathly worried. Emari, what happened to you?

Naruto walked down though the market, deep in thought. I wonder why Kakashi-Sensei was acting so weird...... Naruto exited the marketplace, an was passing by the old fields, when he saw Kakashi. He walked over to him.
"Kakashi-Sensei, are you alright? Did my question, earlier this morning, offend you or something?" Naruto asked. Kakashi looked at him.
"Everything's fine......What question Naruto?" He asked, getting up.
"Remember, I was at your place this morning? I asked you about Emari, and we talked for a bit. Then I asked you if you loved hr, and you kicked me out!" Naruto explained. Kakashi's eye widened.
"Naruto, I wasn't at home this morning. The only one there, was Emari," Kakashi explained.
"Ah! So that means I.....I....." Naruto let his had slump, he felt awful.
"I said I wanted hr to stay twelve, and I really thought she was Better that way......" He said.
"Anyway, Naruto, do you know where she is? The guards said she came into the village, and I can pretty much guess she had a plan to make everyone think she was on a mission. I can't find her, but I have a bad feeling something happened to hr," Kakashi said. Naruto shook his head, and looked at the scene behind Kakashi.
"I'll help you find her though," he said, smiling.
"We may need some special skills......You know who we have to get, don't you?" Kakashi asked. Oh, great. Now we have to get....
"Kiba, Sasuke, Neji and-" "Shikamaru." Kakashi finished his sentence. Naruto slumped. Great, all guys....plus most of them are annoying. I fought most of them in the chunin exams...this is going to be a disaster........
"Of course, well also invite Hinata, Ino and Sakura," Kakashi said. Naruto straightened up, and smiled.
"Don't tell anyone what we're doing. We'll have to call it a training retreat. Okay?" Kakashi said. Naruto nodded.

Naruto Sharingan: The Great Shadow NinjaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz