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"So, what did you need?" I asked, as we got to Kakashi's. Binta entered, and she splayed herself across the bed.
"Who is she?" Kakashi asked, mentioning Binta.
"She's the girl who I met. Her pet is the spirit that turned me into a twelve year old," I explained. He looked at me like I was crazy.
"And she's your friend?" Kakashi exclaimed. I nodded, and he rolled his eyes.
"She has to go," he said.
"No. Let her stay for a bit, she won't be a problem," I explained. Suddenly there was a puff of golden smoke, and Kpin joined Binta on the bed.
"What is that?" He asked.
"That's the spirit, it takes refuge inside Binta sometimes," I explained. Kakashi looked like he was having a mental breakdown.
"Kakashi, calm down," I said. He looked at me, and shook his head.
"I need a nap," he said. He went over to his reading desk, and fell asleep in his hair. I looked at Binta, and shook my head; she was asleep. I walked over and faced Kpin.
"So, gonna change me back now?" I asked. She moved her moved side to side.
"Okay, but, we have a problem. You cant stay here with Bina," I said. Join stood up on the bed, making it creak loudly. She picked up Binta in her jaws, and went to the window. She jumped out, and took off across the rooftops. I sighed, and put a hand to my head.
"What have I gotten myself into?" I asked myself. I went to Kakashi, and tried to pick him up. I couldn't. I dragged him out of his hair, and onto his bed. Once I was finished, I was splayed out across the floor, panting. He sat up, and looked at me.
"You know, I wasn't actually asleep. You could've told me they left," he said. I looked at him, then, defeated, I let my head fall back onto he carpeted floor. I closed my eyes, and tried to relax. I felt Kakashi's eye burning into me, and I frowned. I heard him get off the bed, and walk towards me. I was so irritated, I kicked his feet out from under him, and pinned him to the floor. I looked at him, panting.
"Are you alright? You seem to be a bit tense," Kakashi said, from beneath me.
"I'm fine....just.....just ired," I muttered between pants. He looked at me, then pulled me close to him. He pinned my arms to my sides, and I was exhausted with the day's events.
"Just relax, and rest," he said. I gave up, and closed my eyes.

"Emari! Quit it! You'll just overexert yourself, and I'll have to carry you home again!" Zabuza called as I continued to train. I looked at him, panting.
"I'll....be fine," I said, tiredly. He came over, and grabbed my leg as I swung it, to kick the practice dummy. He twisted my leg, and I fell to the floor.
"I said stop, and I meant it," he said, helping me up. He let me hang on him, while he walked me home. I didn't know where he stayed, but it would be better than with the Kyos. They were so......violent, and ruthless. When I arrived, they judged me instantly, and put me to work. Even my adopted mother, Byeki, was a hag. She taught me chores, and after I was exhausted from that, Saeune made me train like I was about to be murdered!
"Emari, one day, you won't have to work so hard," Zabuza said.
"I know, you keep saying you'll do something, so I trust you. Anyway, your fourteenth birthday is coming up soon, what would you like?" I asked. He turned to me, and smiled.
"To be Mikage, and live a normal ninja's life," he said, stopping his smile. We reached my home, and I heard Saeune shouting, from outside.
"Be safe," Zabuza said. I walked up to the door, and he left. I entered the house, to see Saeune and Byeki fighting in the hall. I went right past them, and out the back door. I sat down, cross-legged, and practiced my own ninjutsu. I was hoping to perfect it, and show Zabuza. I began making the hand signs for it, when someone grabbed my hair.
"Emari! What are you doing out here? You have chores to do!" It was Byeki, her cold eyes and her short black hair fooled anyone into thinking she was perfect......when she was in public, of course. Byeki yanked me up, and dragged me into the house. Saeune walked past, and stopped her.
"What do you think you're doing? You don't do that to her!" He snarled at her. Saeune was tall, with brown hair, and handsome eyes. Any lady would be fooled he was a prince, but really, he was an over achiever who wouldn't stop drinking sake, to save his life.
"I'm getting her to do her chores!" Byeki snarled. Saeune and her started arguing again, and suddenly, someone hit me.

I got up, and held my throat. I gasped for air, and looked at the carpet.
"Emari, are you okay?" Kakashi was suddenly there, looking at me with a worried expression.
"I.....it was another memory," I said, calming down. I thought back on it, and tears swelled in my eyes. I latched onto Kakashi, and he held me.
"What happened?" He asked softly. I explained the whole scene, and he looked down at me.
"So, do you want to go back to sleep now?" He asked. I shook my head no, and he pet my head.
"Alright then, I'll stay with you. You don't have to worry," he said. I noticed he was topless, in blue striped pajama bottoms. The clichéd timing of it, helped me calm down. We sat there, Kakashi leaned onto the site of his bed, holding me, while I had me head resting on his chest, my eyes closed, and my breathing slowing.

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