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I was finishing taking a shower, and as I walked out of the shower, to get my clothes, they disappeared. I looked on the floor, on the towel racks, and almost the whole bathroom. My hair plastered to my body, with a towel wrapped tightly around me, I looked my head out of the bathroom. Good, no one's here, I thought. I walked out of the bathroom, and went into Kakashi's room. I rambled though his drawers, and found an old uniform that fit perfectly. I looked down at myself, ANBU style much? I thought smiling. I twisted my hair up, into a messy bun, and splayed myself across the bed. I looked up at the ceiling, and closed my eyes.
"I wonder if they're done training yet," I asked myself. Suddenly a cold object touched my throat. My eyes flashed open, and I looked at who held the kunai. It was a small boy.
"You shall die!" He cried in his small voice. He looked pitiful, but there was something off about him. There was a blackness in his eyes, that drove shivers own my spine. The boy suddenly convulsed, and his pupils emitted pale white stripes, along his black irises.
"Lovely to resurface, isn't it? So you're the poor human my sister transformed?" The boys voice changed, it seemed more adult-like, and his features changed as well. He had sharp nails, little fangs, and markings, similar to Naruto's, appeared on his face.
"Who are you, and what do you want?" I asked.
"Well, I came to offer you a deal. I'll turn you back, if I can live in your body," he said.
"Why? Why would you help me?" I asked him.
"Why, to get revenge on my baby sister, of course. You must've met her, she was the one to turn you into a child," he explained.
"Kpin is your sister?" I asked. Suddenly the boy's body slumped, and there was a swirl of black smoke crawling from his mouth. He fell to the floor, and the smoke turned into a large black lion with silver eyes.
"Indeed. My name is Kongoji, spirit of lostness and fear," The lion announced.
"So, you would change me back, if I let you take residence within my body?" I asked.
"I would do much more. You'd be almost as powerful as Naruto and the Nine Tailed Fox," Kongoji said, a smirk on his black muzzle.
"Alright, but what do you want?" I asked.
"A more powerful host, and revenge on my sister, for banishing into that pathetic child. I do not have much time left out of his body. Agree, and I will will give you more than what you desire," he said, a drive look in his eyes. Well, I have a plan......Might as well try it out! I nodded, and Kongoji approached me. He pressed his head to mine, and stared into my eyes. He flicked one of his claws out, and scratched my side, deeply. Suddenly, he was melting into smoke, and flowing into my body though the scratches. I froze, my body unable to move, until a dark warmth settled into me. Do you feel it? My power is withing yours, now we cannot be stopped! Kongoji snarled in my head. Well, turn me back, I said flatly. Pain seeped into my bones, almost immediately. I felt myself grow, and it was painful. After almost ten minutes, I was at my knees gasping for a breath. You're back to being twenty-eight, now, we are fully one. I got up, and shakily looked at myself. My brown hair, was streaked black, my skin was pale, and my side, it was healed. I loved up the left side of my shirt. Where there were supposed to b jagged claw marks, there was nothing but a dark spear, with the three symbols of Darkness. Fear, Loss and Silence. So, instead of me being normal, I'm half you? Indeed, but I ant eliminate some of the details, Kongoji offered. I nodded, my hair turned back to normal, and my skin went back to its original color. Remember, betray me, and I betray you, Right back at you. By the way, I've never seen such interesting memories or emotions. Shut it, and stay OUT of my memories! Calm down, their in your subconscious, safe from any harm. It seems some of them are lost to your conscious self. Yeah, about that..... I haven't fully regained my own memory. What?! You lost your memory? Well, it could be worse, you could be my last host. I turned and looked at the boy, he turned into nothing more than dust, and vanished.
"Emari!" I heard Kakashi. Damn! You better not blow this! I can't have him know about you. Why? He's my....Friend boy? Anyway, I just don't want him in this. This is between you and me. Alright, but be warned: anything intense, could make a bit of you, turn into me. Late warnings much!?
"Emari!" Kakashi burst through the bedroom door. He looked at me, his eye wide with shock.
"You're back to normal!" He cried. He aced over, and held me by my waist. He cupped my face in his ree hand, and kissed me. A spark hit my chest, and I felt weird.......

Naruto Sharingan: The Great Shadow Ninjaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن