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I was curled into a ball, on the bed. I'd been there for days. Orochimaru hadn't come for a visit, so that was good. The bad thing was, I wasn't being fed. I drank water from the sink in the bathroom, I hoped it was safe, thank Kami it was. Every time I had gone into the bath, my uniform disappeared, then, once I was done, it was back, clean and fresh. Although I looked fine, I was starting to get hungry. When I get hungry, Kongoji and Demari get hungry as well.......I'm starving! If I don't get something to eat, I'm going to bit something's head off! Calm down, the body will hold up a bit longer without food. Yeah, but you're not a lion spirit! Spirits don't need to eat! So what? It's satisfying! Would you two shut up? I already have stomach pains from hunger, I don't need head pains from you two! I heard that door creaked open, and I looked up to see Shikamaru.
"Shikamaru? How are you moving around so freely here?" I asked.
"I'm too lazy to do anything. Here, I brought you this," he handed me a tray, it had an apple on it, with some dumplings. I thanked him, and he left. As soon as he was gone, I ate worse than Naruto. Afterwards, I set the tray aside, and lied down on the bed again. I slowly rubbed my belly, it felt good. I closed my eyes, and smiled.

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