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I felt warmth, it made me happy. I looked up, and realized Zabuza was behind me. I smiled wide, and turned to face him. It was my sixteenth birthday, I couldn't believe he came to see me!
"Zazi! I'm so glad you came!" I said, I had to be careful, the makeup I wore was hiding my injuries. I latched onto my brother, and he hugged me back.
"Emari, I wouldn't miss your birthday. Never," he said. He put a hand on my shoulder, and it took a whole lot for me not to flinch. He seemed to notice something was wrong. He pulled down my sleeve, and wiped at it with water. Dark bruises ran down my arm, and up my neck. Zabuza looked at me, an intensity in my eyes.
"Was it Saeune again?" He asked.
"And Byeki....." I replied, tugging my shirt up. Zabuza put an arm around me gently.
"Just a bit longer, and I'll be leader. Just hold out for a bit longer......"

I slowly opened my eyes, Another memory, I suppose? You got that right! There's tons in here, I got one out while you were sleeping, and I guess it was carried into your dreams. Was it a good one? I then remembered Kongoji. Could you quit screwing with my head? I mean, you are my guest, and guests shouldn't screw around with things that aren't theirs. You're my new host! I respect your fearlessness towards me, but I, myself, am just as stubborn as you! I sighed, and turned around; Kakashi was gone. I sat up, and rubbed my eyes. I went out of the bedroom, and to the bathroom. I stripped down, to take a shower, when the shower door opened and out popped Kakashi. I felt myself turn red, and look away, then I remembered that, I too, was naked.
"Emari, what's wrong? Is it because I'm naked? Come on! I mean, you've seen-" "No! I haven't! It was under a towel!" I exclaimed, not looking at him, and fumbling for something to cover myself with. Kakashi put a hand on my shoulder, and began to pull me close. I got that weird feeling again, as a spark hit my chest........

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