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I walked, but I didn't know where to. My feet moved, while my mind raced. Did I screw up things with Kakashi? What's wrong with me, I've suddenly become so......so unapproachable! When.....No. Why, did this happen? When all my memories come back, I'll have to fix whatever I did, so I can make things rig- A sudden force knocked into me, cutting off my thought. I was pinned to the earth, by a large yellow lioness.
"What the Hokage is a lion doing here!" I cried.
"Kpin!" I heard a young voice. I looked over to see a girl, around Sasuke's age run up. She was wearing tattered clothing, and her long blonde hair, was dirty, as was her face and entire self.
"Kpin, let her go! That's not nice, we don't treat guests like that," the girl said. The big cat got off me, and I sat up quickly.
"Hi, I'm Binta Wang, nice to meet you," she said, helping me up. The girl had strangely bright blue eyes.
"I-I'm Emari Kyo," I said.
"Oh, it's so nice to meet you!" She cried. Kpin rubbed her head along Binta's side, and Binta scratches under the lioness's chin.
"So, uh, what are you doing out here?" I asked.
"I live here, silly!" She exclaimed with a smile. I looked around, it was getting be a bit like a desert. How far had I walked? I asked myself.
"You live here? Your barley a kid," I said.
"No, I'm not, so you can shut your trap!" She snarled. I smirked.
"So, Binta where am I?" I asked. She looked at me with her big blue eyes.
"You're near the Village Hidden in the Sand!" She exclaimed happily.
"What! How'd I get here?" I asked, worried.
"I dunno, you just showed up," Binta said, getting on top of Kpin.
"Well, is there any place where I can stay? I don't think I'll be going back any time soon...." I said. Bint patted my head.
"You'll stay with me," she said. She motioned or me to hop on, and I did. Kpin was fast. We rode her, until we reached a large sand dune. We stopped and I noticed a medium sized hole at he base of the dune. She crawled in, and Kpin followed her. I went in, I had nothing to lose.

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